Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Took the Tourer out to a doc's appointment (for me not the bike) with the new Brooks finally fitted.

My goodness but Brooks saddles are solid when new...
Give it ten or twenty years, and it'll soften...


Legendary Member
Morning, I’ve had my tea, Winnie is asleep on the sofa, Jessiethepup is asleep by the radiator and Frankie is snoring on my lap.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
Had a great weekend in Prague (well 5 days), now back at work.

Got on the 'turbo' for 30 minutes last night as I haven't turned a pedal for 6 weeks with this 'lurgy'. Still got some of the virus as my HR was north of 150 bpm, and I was only putting out 100 watts - had to use the small ring. Sweating like a piglet. Will try again tonight to see if there is any improvement. I've got a 4 hour MTB ride in a week, not looking promising.
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