Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm something of a polyglot anyway, although none of the languages I speak are close to Italian... :blush: English is actually only my third language, btw.

Show-off :tongue:

I'm always surprised how non-English speakers pick up what is a quite difficult language, usually embarrassing those of us who are supposed to speak it natively.

Me? I can cover a passable English with bits of other languages. In France I'm usually confronted with "thank you for trying but please stop, you're ruining our language".


I'm always surprised how non-English speakers pick up what is a quite difficult language, usually embarrassing those of us who are supposed to speak it natively.

I was born here (a cockney, would you believe), but my parents are both first generation immigrants. Mum, who is Belgian, says that the easy bit of English is the grammar, as you don't have all the gender clauses of German or the gazillion exceptions that French has. It's the spelling that drives her doolally, along with the silent letters, dropped letters, words that are spelled the same but have different meanings, and words that sound the same but are spelled differently. It's actually quite amusing listening to her take on English. :blush:

Me? I can cover a passable English with bits of other languages. In France I'm usually confronted with "thank you for trying but please stop, you're ruining our language".

I still can't quite pronounce some sounds right, so there are certain words I will avoid like the plague. I used to get bullied at school because of it, so finding a synonym that's easier to say was a quick solution to an embarrassing problem. :blush: Although most people don't actually realise that I do this, and in all honesty, a fairly thick Cambridgeshire accent hides a lot. :laugh:
Show-off :tongue:

I'm always surprised how non-English speakers pick up what is a quite difficult language, usually embarrassing those of us who are supposed to speak it natively.

Me? I can cover a passable English with bits of other languages. In France I'm usually confronted with "thank you for trying but please stop, you're ruining our language".
Gud Moaning ! :whistle:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Damp, but the sun is coming up outside the shedoffice. Looks like it's going to be difficult to get a ride in at lunch today, unless the 10am meeting finishes quickly, and I can get out and back by 12:30 for the next one (not looking likely).


Vice Admiral
The screen casing on my Lenovo computer came apart after two years. It would not go back together again. So I contacted a local computer repair man. He visited me at home, diagnosed the problem. And no, it was not a PICNIC, before you suggest that! :unsure:

He said that a new case, even if he could get one, might be "silly money". Anyway...long story short, he suggested upgrading my previous computer. New hard drive and, bigger .... err ... :scratch: ..what you call it..... :scratch: memory! So he did that, and reinstalled the OS, as the label for the Licence was still attached to the puter. He also transferred the programmes and files from the old one to the new,

I had wanted a large screen for on-line jigsaws, and this one has a smaller screen. He explained that with better pixies on the computer, it would compensate for the slightly smaller screen. For all that work and two home visits the Bill was, imo, very reasonable, as opposed to buying a complete new one. As luck would have it, someone gave him a big screen, complete with leads, to find a good home for, so later that week, he gave that to me, gratis. ^_^

His main work is designing and constructing websites. He was old school and could remember when the only computer game available was Pacman.
Still, overcast and very mild here chez Casa Reynard.

I have spent the morning puttering about in the kitchen, including prepping tonight's supper. This afternoon I shall take advantage of the still conditions and take the top off that mulberry I felled. It's a ladder job, and I should be able to drop the bits where I want them to fall.

Lunch first. There is cream of tomato soup. :hungry:
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