Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Ernie is a bit mean this month and only gave me £25.
Just back from a nice trike run but the road was pretty busy with mostly fast traffic and one or two touroid still around driving slowly. Need to keep up a good pace between passing places and a constant eye on the mirrors.
The moles are appearing again with earth mounds by the roadside. Where do they go in summer?

Large works beside the new cemetery. No idea what they are doing but it may be an extension to the existing cemetery.
It is certainly needed as the existing one is full now I think tho' my space is already booked.
In any case funerals would be problem just now as the whole car park is filled with earth moving equipment.
There have been rumours of a new coop store there but I doubt it is that.


Legendary Member
Hong Kong
ah I have nice memories of keeping fish. do you still? or was that an old remnant that needed a home?

I still keep fish.

I’ve got 3 fish tanks at home. Which reminds me, they need fed tonight.
Still, bright-ish and relatively mild here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but my get-up-and-go is distinctly lacking. The hot flushes seem to have cleared off for now, which is at least something. Even so, I have had a productive morning moving large sections of cut (and seasoned) wood from various places in the garden to the fence where I stack my logs. I've also furkled around for some deadfall and smaller branches to be stripped for kindling. Mum likes puttering about outside when the weather permits, and she said she'd quite like to do that. She'll be 93 in less than a fortnight, and she really amazes me.

I'll be firing up the chainsaw this afternoon to turn another load of ash sections into logs and stack them for storage. Also need to split some wood as I've only got a few chunks left.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
Had two slices of wholemeal toast for luncheon, one with pate, the other with camembert, plus a Lord Burghley apple, a tangerine, some pineapple and two :cuppa:

Turned a whole load of wood into logs and stacked them, cut some very large lumps in half with the chainsaw and then split those, and have re-stocked all the wood bins in the house. Did have a couple of passing showers when I was doing that, but neither amounted to terribly much.

Now sat here watching the football and thinking that I rather fancy something chocolatey.
I have managed to fashion world cups before the Brazil game .... football theme
dinner or what?
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