Mundane News

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I feel like I may stay awake on the train today.

It may have helped that I was in bed before 7pm last night.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I'm 65 and not a fan of water, I did badly when they tried to teach me to swim as a small boy. Now I'm retired I have time to try again, to over come my dislike of water and finally learn to swim, its been a major challenge and I've done well so far.

It's not so much the water as swimming pools & changing rooms that puts me off.


Cycling in the sun
I feel like I may stay awake on the train today.

It may have helped that I was in bed before 7pm last night.
7!!!!!:eek: (I'm sure that was a typo and you meant AM????):scratch:

And a correction on your weather report for those of us not in continental Europe.... today for my commute in I wore ... shorts, top with lots of little cut outs, and GOOSEBUMPS!!!!

The sun disappeared behind the clouds after I set out and its now overcast, and with more of a stiff cool breeze than yesterday... I may have to see what extra clothes I have at work (luckily I left a lot yesterday due to going out to the theatre after work meant leaving lots at work).
Have you managed to go out of your depth, Dave? That's the bit that I just can't do, ever, it makes me panic. Like you I had bad experiences being 'taught' to swim when I was at school, and have never really been able to get to grips with it since.
I never learned to swim, I can remember the way in which we were taught in an out door swimming pool in the 60's. I think I must have a natural ability to sink. Many years later whilst on holiday with my family I found that I could glide in the water like a torpedo. I was with my teenage son and we were in the shallow end of the pool, about a foot deep or so, I found it helpful that I could put my hands down and raise my head out of the water. Looking back at that experience I think that for me I would have to start off in really shallow water to build up my confidence.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
7!!!!!:eek: (I'm sure that was a typo and you meant AM????):scratch:

And a correction on your weather report for those of us not in continental Europe.... today for my commute in I wore ... shorts, top with lots of little cut outs, and GOOSEBUMPS!!!!

The sun disappeared behind the clouds after I set out and its now overcast, and with more of a stiff cool breeze than yesterday... I may have to see what extra clothes I have at work (luckily I left a lot yesterday due to going out to the theatre after work meant leaving lots at work).
I can say it's a real scorcher here already :dance:
I've managed to find a pair of daps and socks because my feet were cold in my birkenstocks.... go away and boast some where else ... you aren't wanted here
As a registered old fart, what the blue blazes are a pair of daps?

Oh, by the way, it's a scorcher on the North Kent coast.

It's 9.00, we've spent an hour in the garden, been shopping, second load of washing out. Now "resting" as we're off to lunch with friends (again!)

Life gets tedious, don' it!
As a registered old fart, what the blue blazes are a pair of daps?

Oh, by the way, it's a scorcher on the North Kent coast.

It's 9.00, we've spent an hour in the garden, been shopping, second load of washing out. Now "resting" as we're off to lunch with friends (again!)

Life gets tedious, don' it!
Daps are what we used to call plimsoles, things we used to stick on our feet when doing P. E. At school. It seems that it may be a regional term.
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