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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Meanwhile, elsewhere in Oinkhampton...........

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I've just put my bin bag and beer bottles in the recycling bins.
Monday morning has arrived and I'm still in hospital. The good news is that I'm in inpatient rehab so that's the final step before I moved home.
I'm at physio at the moment, it's twice a day in the gym (9-12pm & 1-3pm)

I had day leave on Saturday so I could buy a new seat cushion for the wheelchair. It cost over $300 and that was at the cheap end of the scale. Bring out was brilliant even if we did have have a curfew. Getting out for a meal was great.
Monday morning has arrived and I'm still in hospital. The good news is that I'm in inpatient rehab so that's the final step before I moved home.
I'm at physio at the moment, it's twice a day in the gym (9-12pm & 1-3pm)

I had day leave on Saturday so I could buy a new seat cushion for the wheelchair. It cost over $300 and that was at the cheap end of the scale. Bring out was brilliant even if we did have have a curfew. Getting out for a meal was great.
I'm glad to hear you are on the mend, I was wondering how you were as you hadn't posted for a while.
I know it's early in the morn',but i could just eat fish chips and mushy peas now. I wonder if there's a fish and chip shop open yet?
Only if their clock had stopped and had been wondering why it had gone quiet.
I thought I would get some of my bikes out of my garage yesterday as it was a nice day and that my wife said that she should really have a go at riding it again. Getting bikes out for me is a bit like shuffling a deck of cards, I must stop collecting them.
Anyway after removing several to get to my wife's bike out she said that she was in too much pain for cycling. Her bike does have some nice wheels and tyres which could come in handy. Sorry mind wandering there.
I put my effort of moving bikes around to some good use and did a bit of tinkering, brake blocks and then a short test ride on the Puch. I'm not sure if the steel rims are at fault as it feels a bit rough to ride, the chain needs shortening.
She's just been looking over my shoulder to see what I've written.
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