Mundane News

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The trench and the heat nearly did me in.What was supposed to be an easy job,turned out hard.who invented d.i.y i would like to have a word or three with them.So i started to dig out a narrow and not too deep trench.Mrs Postman wants to put really good compost in ,so it helps the roots.Well straight away i hit brickwork,where this has come from i have no idea.It was at least two foot under the soil,there was loads of it,we now need another skip,because new rules here in Leeds mean you have to pay by the bag full to get rid of it,and Mrs Postman has also decided to dump a load of stuff out of the greenhouse and inside the shed and gasrage,that was going to the tip,not now.This job is nearly finished,thank God.Photos to follow,at a later date.
Cycled over to Glatton to the Addison’s Arm for a ‘foo bears’ (as they say in Norfolk) and a BBQ.

Very pleasant, and particularly memorable as it’s the first time I’ve managed to entice Mrs Sloth onto her bike (a Dawes Stirling) in about 10 months.

Only a couple of miles each way, but better than nothing. Also, the scrummiest coleslaw I’ve ever eaten.

I did 55 miles yesterday at the tail of a 200 mile week, so I don’t feel too guilty. :smile:


after trying Fineshade woods,no parking Rammed then Deen Park ,no cash for entry we ended up at a Gates garden centre at cold overton near Oakham.
extreme garden centre as its all on a steep hill !! let your trolly go and it would be skittles :laugh:
nice lunch ,£70 on plants and then stopped at the Colywestern Slater for some perfect Everards Tiger..
bloody warm day and i feel a bit :tired:

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
[QUOTE 5236577, member: 21629"]Then I will start wasting money for ice cream.[/QUOTE]

That's not a waste of money.
Nice 10-ish mile round trip into town on the bike to do a spot of retail therapy and yellow stickering with the parental unit - and sort of celebrate her "getting back into the saddle" following hip surgery end of February.

Altogether too many people sporting the lobster look (ouch, that'll be painful) - muggins stuck to her usual factor 50. Loads of bods on bikes around (nice to see) and loads of wibbly wobbly large people wearing not a lot (not so nice to see).

Fun was had by the two of us, and we picked up some good YS bargains (fish, fruit & veg plus some other nice bits and bobs) as we were the only regulars there today.

Had a lovely supper while watching the final session of the snooker; cold chicken, salad (spinach, lettuce, chard, pea shoots, cherry toms, cucumber, home made vinaigrette), bread & butter and a punnet of raspberries for afters.
Morning. Schrodie feels that he has missed out on cuddles over the weekend as we had huge long cuddles on the floor this morning. Tummy tickles , ear rubs, and putting his head into my hand. It was his self imposed exile ! He thought the doggy people had brought a dog with them, they hadn't and would have loved gone stroke him. Yesterday he totally disappeared and it was only in the evening that he surfaced.
He is now asleep on my lap .


Silencing his legs regularly
Last night's entertainment was 'SUPER-DOOPER'!
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