Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I am watching the IMSA Rolex 24hr on my TV thanks to a Chromecast.

Alcohol may just be about to be involved.
Right, bedtime.
Just make sure that you hire one with a quick start or easy start, as a petrol-powered saw without that is an absolute devil to get going.

My late male parental unit, many moons ago, bought a Bosch saw without one because it was light, it looked pretty and it was rather cheap as these things go. I hated the bloomin' thing with a vengeance. Starting it was such a lottery (not what you need when there's a lot of work to be done) and after an incident where I lost my temper and gave it the full Basil Fawlty treatment, it got traded in the very next day for the Stihl. Was worth every penny to splurge, as the Stihl is a pleasure to use.
Wasn't there a pop song where the singer finished the song by recommending one ?

Stihl ! :whistle:


Sat in bed with a :cuppa: looking out of the window thinking that I should have done the bird watch thingy yesterday. It looks like rain is moving in .
Never mind! I will just average out what I see over the two days !
7 Woodpigeons, 7 Starlings, 1/2 Robin, 1/2 Bluetit . :eek:

They must be sharing our feeders :laugh:

I had 7 pigeons.. Might try later tho i do it over the weekend.

Off biking at 9 hopefully a successful bike day with no dramas like last sunday.

Unfortunately we're waiting for the call from MK as FinL is at end of life, saw him yesterday but he he is a poor old thing and unaware of any visitors.
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