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This just arrived:

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The doorbell rang and I couldn't figure who it was so I went downstairs and a lady handed this to me: "The Bürgerstiftung (Lit: "Citizens foundation", or "Civic foundation") is giving these out to younger children because we realise it must be really boring being stuck at home all day."

It contains a craft set to make some unicorns and a bubble toy for Beautiful Daughter. There was no charge; it's a free gift. It was delivered because we are registered here and Beautiful Daughter goes to Kindergarten, and someone decided it would be a nice idea.

There are at a couple of hundred children of kindergarten age in our village alone, and a heck of a lot more in the rest of the town they serve. It's also clearly ordered from a shop in the village, which means a local shop had a bulk order at a time they desperately need some income.

They could have ordered it online from a wholesaler, but they didn't.

They could have said "only German families", but they didn't.

Many of you know I'm a grumpy old cynic, but I will happily admit to getting a bit emotional about this...

Oh, that's a really lovely thing for the local council to have done. A win-win for everyone involved. :thumbsup:

I think it's now that we realise that it are the little moments and unexpected gestures that matter so very much. :blush:


Today's theme in the photo challenge is yellow.



Legendary Member
How the lockdown is having effect locally. This is Sea Road in Felixstowe which runs parallel with th prom at 13:15 today. On any other Sunday in this sort of weather you wouldn't find a parking space for love or money
Sea Road - Lockdown in effect.jpg

And this is the other end of the prom. Two weeks ago this was solid with walkers, joggers, etc
Felixstowe Prom - Lockdown in effect.jpg
I've been outside being blown around by the wind trying to fix up the bike I was given yesterday . I cleaned up the rusty forks and chain . The gears wouldn't change . I thought the cables were rusted but it was the mechs that were are fault . After freeing them up with 3in1 and manually moving them they were all working . I pumped up the tyres and tried riding it up my garden . My first ride since my crash .


Being and early bird, being Sunday and having the TV to myself, I thought I’d start my newly acquired Babylon 5. So I am currently watching the first episode, The Gathering, as I type this (I’m 32 minutes into the episode).

I’ve already spotted two Star Trek actors which is positive. The aliens all look great. But I am struggling with the writing. The story is a little underwhelming and the dialogue atrocious (sorry, @Reynard ). I will stick with it as pilot episodes are usually bad. I do see the potential. I’m hoping this episode improves and the next couple are much better written and more engaging.

Bear with it. It's worth that early pain, really.

The pilot is pretty pants when you compare it to the series, and I'll be the first to admit that, but do watch it carefully, because it does lay in a fair bit of groundwork. This is one of the things you get with Babylon 5 that you *don't* get with Trek; because it was conceived from the get-go as a novel for TV, it's just like getting stuck into an epic like Lord of the Rings or The Wheel of Time. What seems like a throwaway line from one of the characters can then hold great weight several episodes or more further down the line.

Without spoilering you, there is a bit almost at the end of the pilot which starts a very important plot thread that extends all the way to the end of season 3, ending in probably one of the best ever episodes of the entire story arc.

One thing that is great about Babylon 5 is that many of the actors are from a stage rather than TV background, and it really adds a refreshing dimension to the whole watching experience. I usually play "spot the B5 actor" while watching Trek. There are about fifty who have done both to look out for. ;)

And lastly, to quote Ambassador G'kar from the episode "Mind War": Let me pass on to you the one thing I've learned about this place. No one here is exactly what he appears. Not Mollari, not Delenn, not Sinclair, and not me.


Legendary Member
I fancy some chocolate but I ate all my chocolate buttons yesterday.
I’ll probably have cake instead, or maybe some Wine Gums that I just remembered we have. I like Wine Gums.


Über Member
Just found our hedghog in the garden, very thin and shaking, I rescued him/her last year after i trod on her/him, now in the house having a warm by the fire and dinner of cat food (pouches) and a drink of water.
I only bought the cat food to make sure a good meal was had, he/she has been hibernating under the wood store, I may have disturbed earlier ( I did:sad:)
Just for you @IaninSheffield, this mornings ride, I had to turn back and use another route, I was going to go around Douglas Head on the way home, however the winds were so strong I couldn't stay in the centre of the road, the cliffs were getting too close!
Oh, wow! Thank you so much ... and for risking life and limb!
Still recognisably 'Big D' (as we affectionately used to call it) but as you mentioned earlier, some distinct changes too. Thank you 👍.
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