Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Postman is having to go out to buy more jelly babies.Bought a bag for the train journey to Edinburgh tomorrow.But last night temptation got the better of me and i opened the packet just to taste a few.I finished them all off.So a walk very soon.


Legendary Member
It seems an old cycling pal of mine ,spotted me out on a walk Tuesday.He noticed i was wearing dark glasses.These things are reactolite they change in sunshine so much better than clip on shades.I also told him i have a walking stick.only because it gets me a seat on every bus i travel on.Seriously people have moved from those special seats with the old person with a stick label.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It seems an old cycling pal of mine ,spotted me out on a walk Tuesday.He noticed i was wearing dark glasses.These things are reactolite they change in sunshine so much better than clip on shades.I also told him i have a walking stick.only because it gets me a seat on every bus i travel on.Seriously people have moved from those special seats with the old person with a stick label.

I now need a stick but before that I sat in the front seat for disabled. Two women, one in a wheelchair appeared and I had to move. When we reached our destination they got off the bus, chained the wheelchair to a railing and walked briskly away. Driver rolled his eyes, we had been conned.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Currently I'm having an unproductive middle-of-the-day, so have gone out for lunch.

Running two AI workshops plus dinner out with SWMBO yesterday, and now having to complete a 2-week course in only this morning have left me with brain fog. I've been busy and it needed submitting by lunch-time.

So; lunch out and I'll drop the Carlton frame off for powder coating whilst I'm out. Then some marking before prepping the Ridgeback Platinum for Saturday's Llanfair 400km audax.
Grey here chez Casa Reynard, and with a cool and brisk breeze.

I slept well. Spent the morning puttering about in the garden. Didn't miss the mail delivery this time (I was out on my dog walk with a friend yesterday), so I now have all the Bay of E lots I bought the other day, and the parental unit has her postal ballot papers for the upcoming European Parliament elections. Every Belgian citizen is required to vote, even the King.

The beef joint I took out of the freezer yesterday is almost defrosted. It is not terribly big (just shy of 700g) as it is actually half of a much bigger joint that I divided. When only feeding two people, I find that's a sensible way to go about things, but the downside is that you need to be much more careful that you don't overcook the meat. This should do us for a couple of main meals, a portion or two for Madam Lexi, plus several luncheon's worth of cold cuts. I *do* so love a roast beef sandwich... :hungry:

The beef joint is a total about face from the absolutely banging vegan Thai curry that we've just had, but I like switching things around on the culinary front. A satisfying and tasty plate of food is a pleasure, regardless of what's on that plate.

Speaking of plates, it's almost time for luncheon!
We always had cats but never knew the subject could get so complicated.

Cat colour and coat genetics is absolutely fascinating, and I do enjoy reading around the subject. :blush:


Legendary Member
Well that was short.i got my replacement jelly babies,then twang something started in my groin.i have a hernia which they want to sort out,when the cancer team give them the ok.Pain so i dropped in to a cafe till it sort of went off.Then a bus back.Straight upstairs and laid out for thirty five mins.i can actually feel it moving back in from it's popped out position.Now i am sat downstairs pain free.I hope i have no problems in Edinburgh over the next four days,i will be a long way from home.
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