Mundane News

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I'm going to get fettling after I have had a coffee. Mrs Tkk got me some new lightweight qr pedals for my Brommie 😄


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I'd still be asking, they want your vote get them to explain why they feel the deserve it.

One tactic used on those we did not support was to keep them talking on the doorstep so that they could not get on to others who might support them.
As a political canvasser myself I was aware of this tactic and as soon as you spotted the time wasters you were off as they were not going to be influenced anyway.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dull looking day but dry and forecast not to rain.
Need to get the ICE trike out of the car and in my shed when it is dry so that will be today's big job.
Highland Council are having lengthy closures on the approach road to Lochaline ferry in peak holiday time. Must have given much thought to that decision as it will last for nearly a week.
A different yacht anchored done the Diorlinn in the little bay which is rather nice. I am envious.

Reading a book by Edward Enfield about a trip cycling in Ireland. He states with confidence that St Patrick came from Dumbarton.
Nonsense and when I lived in Bowling it was well known locally that he came from either Duntocher or Old Kilpatrick.


Legendary Member
Very dull morning on the perambulation. It gives the impression that rain is imminent. I need the light on.

Last day of work for the week and I finish at 1:30. :becool:

I think I'll have an easy day today. I've cycled just short of a hundred miles in the past few evenings, single speed on a hilly route and often with tough headwinds and I feel it in my legs now.

Facebook marketplace keeps giving me notices of Toyota Yaris for sale ever since I bought mine from there over a year ago. Just how many do they think I need.🤔


Legendary Member
Ticket secured plus a bonus one I'd forgotten about for a different group that was still available. The hotel has also been booked for one of the outings, but the other will have to wait until I know how finances are after Tuesday's away day.

Time for a second coffee and a late breakfast then off to see my mum & stepfather (its his birthday today) followed by some food shopping for the weekend's trips to Snetterton as I'm not paying over the odds for circuit burger & chips each day. This afternoon may involve a bike ride.
A warm and sort of sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well. But my head is a snot factory this morning thanks to the overabundance of willow fluff and elderflower pollen, despite my being tanked up on antihistamines. On the plus side, I've had no further sluggy snackers on my tomatoes and strawberries, and the two plants that got munched on are recovering.

This afternoon's plan is to get the mower out and whizz around the house to tidy things up. I don't have a great deal of fuel left in the tank, but it should be enough to do that at least. And then I will probably settle down in my camping chair to listen to FP2 from Monaco.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon, and someone wants their chicken.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
That's such a ringing endorsement that I don't know how I'll avoid rushing out to buy one.:tongue:

Mind you, I've never known an animal chew furniture, but my mothers cats destroy her settees in a year or two by scratching.

Cassie, when a pup made a mess of chair & table legs. I got her an expensive piece of olive wood in the hope of saving the furniture. Thankfully she's over that stage now.
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