My town is (in)famous for....

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Legendary Member
Zanzibar is a pub in Feltham.
I've been in a bar in Nicosia called The Zanzibar. :smile:


Started young, and still going.
Infamous----The great train robber, Ronnie Biggs died in a nursing home in Barnet. his son still lives here. What connection he had to Barnet I don't know as he was born in Stockwell, south london.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Holme Moss, Fine Worsted, Harold Wilson, birthplace of Rugby League, Herbert Asquith, the last UK Sex Pistols gig, Last of the Summer Wine, Where the Heart is and the local shop from League of Gentlemen. James Mason, Wilf Lunn, Roy Castle, The Luddites, Jermaine Lindsay and Samantha Lewthwaite


Co-incidentally, I was chatting to a couple of our younger Nurses & Doctors the other day at work.
They'd moved to live around Wakefield after getting jobs here, and the more inquistive one was asking if I'd lived around here a long time (all my life) and was it famous for anythng in particular, so I thought for a few minutes and came up with these items (not in any particular order);

- Chantry Chapel (1 of 4 remaining bridge chapels in the country, and dates to approx 1350)

- Wakefield Cathedral, dates from the mid 1400's. The highest steeple in Yorkshire, 4th highest in England.

- Stanley Ferry Aquaduct. The only cast-iron suspension aquaduct in Europe (1839), it carries the Aire & Calder Navigation canal across the River Calder.
Visually almost identical to Sydney Harbour bridge.

- First privately built & owned water tower (1640) to supply Heath Hall

- Worlds first public railway, one on which anyone could place their own wagon (Lake Lock Rail-Road), it opened in 1798 (local colliery owners utilised it

- First 'new-town'/suburb. St Johns, built almost in its entirety circa 1830

- Britains largest excavation at the time, the Notton cutting for the Barnsley Canal (completed at some point between 1793 & 1799)

- Longest, most complete Manorial Court Roll in the country (almost complete from 1274- 1920's)

- Stanley (my 'home' village) a unique bridge which carried 2 railways, and the road over another railway.

- Oldest railway tunnel in the country, dating to the 1790's

- One of the earliest town by-passes (now, Ings Road) built by Act Of Parliament in 1831.

- Westgate (area of the City centre) has the oldest surving purpose built banking offices in the country - outside of London.

- Wakefield was the most inland port that could build sea-going vessels.

- Westgate Chapel may have the oldest known catacombs under a place of worship (beforea anyone responds, Churches & Cathedrals have Crypts)

- Stanley Royd (was called West Riding Luantic Asylum) one of the first rates financed asylums in the country.

- Stanley Royd is responsible for the phrase 'As mad as a hatter'. One of the first patients was a milliner, Mercury fumes from the process affected the brain & caused severe affects.

- The hymn 'Onward Christian Soldiers' was wrote & first performed in Horbury (suburb) by the local Vicar.
Believe it, or not, Horbury has a brown tourist sign that declares 'Home of Onward...'

- Wakefield Prison is responsible for the childrens rhyme 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush', as one grew in the prisons exercise yard.

On the cycling front;
- Barry Hoban is from Stanley, I've met him a few times, as I also knew his father (Joe) before he died
I also know (quite well) his sister, & her husband

- Van Rushworth (was Rainbow) lives in the village, she was a contemporary of Beryl Burtons, & also a damned good rider
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