Name a rated song you don't rate

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Legendary Member
Whole Lotta Love or Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin, take your pick.
Just total overblown dirge.

you miserable thing - they're great. "stairway to heaven" is a dirge I grant you, but most of the rest of their stuff is great. Superbly well-played by outstanding musicians, catchy, and almost self-mockery - at least not talking themselves wholly seriously. Almost invented a genre of (rock) music.


Eh up
I had to trawl through every nomination to check, I was going to name a specific song but then when I gave it more thought [it didn't require much] I could not justify having any exceptions, Paul McCartney. I have no idea how he does it, but he can't sing.

Perhaps he gets by with a little help from his friends.



Legendary Member
Redeemed by Hayseed Dixie with the aside "every centimetre in the UK"
Temple City Kazoo Orchestra made it their own...

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