New Welsh Exercise rules clear as mud.

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
To put this in context you could have 200 million people safely distancing (no nearer than 2m) in a circle of radius 10 miles. It sounds like this "confined area" argument is a bit of a red herring

Pray tell where is this Welsh blast crater we can all visit for exercise and how do we get in and out whilst maintaining social distance? I’d be interested in your modelling of this. Let’s assume Brownian motion with 2m buffers and speeds between 2m/s and 13 m/s . Look forward to seeing your results.


Emily Chappell ran a marathon this morning - 42 times round the block. From her book I seem to remember she lives in Wales (I could be wrong on that point).

Here's her fund raising page, if you wish to express your shock and disapproval by donating.

That must be her second home.


Kilometre nibbler
She moved out of London to Wales - that was in her book. If I recall correctly, which I may not.

Anyway it doesn't really matter where she lives, as I've not seen any news reports of her being dobbed in to the stasi for excessive outside exercise.


Norven Mankey
Pray tell where is this Welsh blast crater we can all visit for exercise and how do we get in and out whilst maintaining social distance? I’d be interested in your modelling of this. Let’s assume Brownian motion with 2m buffers and speeds between 2m/s and 13 m/s . Look forward to seeing your results.
The argument goes "in limiting me to 10 miles from home you're forcing me to get too close to all those people that live there". All I'm showing is that there is a hell of a lot of empty space for everyone. Providing you avoid hotspots everyone can exercise within 10 miles of home with minimal risk. I do suspect those who say they want to cycle further to avoid infection risk are using this an excuse to, well, cycle further. For example, yesterday I cycled 30 miles, none of which was more than 10 miles from home. Most of this was in densely populated urban areas. At no time did I feel that I either I or other people were at risk.

BTW, if you want to get smart, people don't exhibit Brownian motion so what you're on about would be a waste of time :tongue:
The argument goes "in limiting me to 10 miles from home you're forcing me to get too close to all those people that live there". All I'm showing is that there is a hell of a lot of empty space for everyone. Providing you avoid hotspots everyone can exercise within 10 miles of home with minimal risk. I do suspect those who say they want to cycle further to avoid infection risk are using this an excuse to, well, cycle further. For example, yesterday I cycled 30 miles, none of which was more than 10 miles from home. Most of this was in densely populated urban areas. At no time did I feel that I either I or other people were at risk.
Nothing wrong with urban riding, and I'm 100% sure you weren't putting anyone at risk ... but ...
This just seems the wrong way of doing things. Surely doing (e.g.) 28 miles in the countryside with a mile of urban at each end makes more sense than riding round-n-round a town with a load of other people. Less stop-start stuff, less attention requried for hazards, more relaxing for everyone, reduced pollution exposure, marginally reduced risk of incidents and virus transmission. This is all subjective and marginal stuff, but I think getting out of town when feasible just ... makes sense! I'm sure there is science out there showing how being in nature is good for our health (due to a consolidation of many small factors).

BTW, if you want to get smart, people don't exhibit Brownian motion so what you're on about would be a waste of time :tongue:
Very true, people are very much non-Brownian! (in fact they generally behave more dangerously :P)
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Norven Mankey
Nothing wrong with urban riding, and I'm 100% sure you weren't putting anyone at risk ... but ...
This just seems the wrong way of doing things. Surely doing (e.g.) 28 miles in the countryside with a mile of urban at each end makes more sense than riding round-n-round a town with a load of other people. Less stop-start stuff, less attention requried for hazards, more relaxing for everyone, reduced pollution exposure, marginally reduced risk of incidents and virus transmission. This is all subjective and marginal stuff, but I think getting out of town when feasible just ... makes sense! I'm sure there is science out there showing how being in nature is good for our health (due to a consolidation of many small factors).

Very true, people are very much non-Brownian! (in fact they generally behave more dangerously :P)
100% agree but what you're advocating there is an overall mileage limit to rides. I'm all for that but I suspect some may not be.

It was the long rides that encouraged the Welsh Assembly to issue its revised guidance. Wouldn't take much for same in England. Only last week I unfollowed someone I knew on Strava because he did a 100mile ride and couldn't see anything wrong with it. Just an ordinary social cyclist like me.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Regulations amended 11 May

Changes include removing the "once a day" limit from exercise.
Regulations amended 11 May

Changes include removing the "once a day" limit from exercise.
Thanks. And it looks like visiting libraries is added as a valid reason for travel. Tidy!

So now the tricky bit is whether this still applies (from the duplicate thread I stupidly created):
The first minister advised it. I wouldn't take anything that newspapers say as gospel. I would be wary of the date at the top of the newspaper. Road CC. Also has a piece about it. View attachment 521651
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