Not Taking Easy

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A Human Being
I planned to take it easy this morning but ended up involved in a little SCR with a guy on a road bike. On a long drag caught and overtook him, could not draft him as the roads were wet and he had no mudguards, only to find he had decided to put some effort in and draft me.
Despite generating a reasonable draft on my old hybrid he struggled to stay with me. Eventually we come to a stop at a pedestrian crossing then sprinting away from the lights realised I had dropped him, therefore allowing me to claim my first scalp of the year, :wahhey: , since he was on a road bike and I was on my trusty panniered hybrid.
I know from experience on that section of road I am 8 to 10kph faster on my road bike.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Evil ! :evil:


A Human Being
An advantage of not red light jumping is you get plenty of practice of accelerating from a standing start.

I think my legs will suffer tomorrow but as it's Friday they will have to put up with some more abuse.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
What are these thins called traffic lights on a commute ?^_^

(and well done !!! )
My legs are also tired today but i have been doing sprint intervals and some big rig only rides so i have an excuse ,apart from being unfit that is .....
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