One of the few great minds left in this world

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New Member
But...just don't go manic, Blazed.

You are starting to sound a bit like a friend of mine when she starts to drift towards what used to be called the manic bit of manic depression, or later the polar bit of bipolar. I think the terminology now is the disorder bit of cyclic something disorder, but you get the drift... charming, fun, witty, enthusiastic about rather vague stuff...then a bit too enthusiastic while still awfully vague, then..:laugh:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
WeeE said:
But...just don't go manic, Blazed.

You are starting to sound a bit like a friend of mine when she starts to drift towards what used to be called the manic bit of manic depression, or later the polar bit of bipolar. I think the terminology now is the disorder bit of cyclic something disorder, but you get the drift... charming, fun, witty, enthusiastic about rather vague stuff...then a bit too enthusiastic while still awfully vague, then..:laugh:

cyclic chat?:welcome:


Rhythm Thief said:
Have you thought of a way to stop losing your phone yet? Or perhaps your first thoughts should be on how you can improve your spelling and punctuation. There's no point being a genius if you can't communicate it to the world.

I wouldnt need a phone if i was able to communicate through my telepathic abilities but the vast majority of humans still havent tapped into this ability. I dont believe spelling and punctuation to be very important i dont plan on becoming an english teacher people can understand me just fine.


blazed said:
I wouldnt need a phone if i was able to communicate through my telepathic abilities but the vast majority of humans still havent tapped into this ability. I dont believe spelling and punctuation to be very important i dont plan on becoming an english teacher people can understand me just fine.

Can I donate money to you? You are the man!


New Member
brockers said:
Cyclothymic. Less extreme than bipolar, and the up and down bits are more frequent.

That's interesting - she has mellowed compared to a couple of decades back. I thought the change in terminology was just a reflection of the improving state of knowledge of the condition over the years, but maybe it was refining her diagnosis.
Blazed promise you'll never leave. Please bestow your great thoughts, if you can spare the time, on us more often.

You amuse all of us greatly.


North Wales
Oh listen guys, come on....give the guy a break huh? Its really not his fault-after all, he obviously has spent all his life hearing his parents, teachers and doctors all telling him he is "special", and that is why he needs to go to a different school than the other boys that he sees, and why the bus he gets on is a "special" bus to take him to his "special" school. Jeez...after years of that you'd start thinking you were something too wouldnt you??



User76 said:
Blazed isn't secial, he's a twat.

Fortunatley or Unfortunatley (depending on how you look at it) he ain t the only one.

Thought this was a cycling forum not the open university.;)
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