England : London Oranges and Lemons Say the Bells of The Sunday London Ride: 2 September

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Bexley, Kent
Thanks to all those who came along yesterday. It was a splendid morning to be out and about in London. As a reminder, this is the rhyme we used (other versions are available):

Gay go up and gay go down
To Ring the Bells of London Town
Oranges and Lemons say the Bells of St. Clements
Bullseyes and Targets say the Bells of St. Margaret's
Brickbats and Tiles say the Bells of St. Giles
Halfpence and Farthings say the Bells of St. Martin's
Pancakes and Fritters say the Bells of St. Peter's
Two Sticks and an Apple say the Bells of Whitechapel
Maids in white aprons say the Bells at St. Katherine's
Pokers and Tongs say the Bells of St. John's
Kettles and Pans say the Bells of St. Anne's
Old Father Baldpate say the slow Bells of Aldgate
You owe me Ten Shillings say the Bells of St. Helen's
When will you Pay me? say the Bells of Old Bailey
When I grow Rich say the Bells of Shoreditch
Pray when will that be? say the Bells of Stepney
I do not know say the Great Bell of Bow
Gay go up and gay go down
To Ring the Bells of London Town
Here comes a candle to light you to bed,
And here comes a chopper to chop off your head!
Chip chop chip chop the last man is dead

And our stops were:

St Clement Dane, Aldwych
St Anne's and St Agnes, Gresham Street
St Giles, Cripplegate (Barbican)
St Leonard's, Shoreditch
St Dunstan's, Stepney
Whitechapel Bell Foundry
St Botolph's, Aldgate
St Katherine Cree, Leadenhall Street
St John's, Tower of London
St Martin's, Eastcheap
St Clement's, Eastcheap
St Peter's, Cornhill
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
St Margaret's, Lothbury
St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside (Bow Bells)
Old Bailey/Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

This coming weekend, @Nick Saddlesore is leading a slightly longer 'Sunday London Ride for Food', and our next themed Sunday London Ride will be on the 21 October when we will be examining 'Death', lead by @Trickedem. Details to follow nearer the time.

Ride safe.


Bexley, Kent
The bells ringing outside The Royal Courts of Justice were just fantastic

some more pics
Nice pics Dave.


Great pic TC, and a really interesting ride Ross.

Perhaps this is a new vocation in your dotage
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