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Über Member
Hi all . After having knee trouble on and off the bike and been back to see my bike fitter on a few occasions and not having any luck with during the knee pain I went to the gp.
Was sent for an x ray on both knees and the results showed I have moderate osteoarthritis .now waiting on physio physiotherapist appointment. And been put on pain relief. Haven't been on the bike in over a month and its doin my nut in . I want to keep going with the bike but afraid to until I see physiotherapist .
Wondering does anyone else here suffer with this and how it affects you and how you cope with it . Should I keep going or forget about it . Forgot to say I had keyhole in both knees in 2010 for torn cartalige .


Legendary Member
Yep I’ve had knee issues for 9 years.

Management, Cycling despite the discomfort and medication. I’ve had a fair number of hyaluronic acid injections over the years with good succes (privately). Stretching when I get round to it :blush:

However, I’m having arthroscopy in January (back permitting) to tidy up shredded meniscus and ratty bone surfaces as my knee locks. I’ll likely need a new knee within the next 10 years

Why can’t you cycle? Due to severe pain?
All the many medics I see have said to continue cycle. Best thing for dodgy knees. Swimming good too, and walking

You probably have the arthritis due to the meniscus removal unfortunately. How old are you?


Über Member
I'm 39 .
Been cycling near 2years .it was odd how there had been no signs of pain at all up until I was on a 100mile sportive and the pain happened 40 miles in and I had previous done a 70 mile sportive 2 weeks previous . And I have been doing near 250 to 300 miles per month .
The pain when cycling is on the outside and back of the knees . It doesnt start righaway but comes after 30min or so and gets really excruciating and i need to stop . and the pain off the bike is all round the knees with sharp jaggy pains and dull all over pain at night.


Über Member
Can't go out on weekend clubruns with the club as the last two runs I had to stop and get a lift home after 25 miles during a 50 and 60 mile spin


Legendary Member
Just do lots of short runs then? I only do ten miles maybe, then have a coffee or whatever and then another 10

However, when able, I ride every day to work or for leisure

Have you had an MRI to check the meniscus is ok. If you've had problems before and given your age and arthritis, it's probably degenerate and so easy to tear without doing much

Do you use ice, maybe start to control inflammation which is the enemy of joint surfaces. And get in the pool

Unfortunately, it's only likely to get worse as it's taken hold. Mine has in the last 2 years looking at MRIs.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I have a ripped cartilage in my right knee, happened about 12 years ago.
I also have arthritis (sometimes my digits lock).
Don't know if the arthritis is in my knee or not, I hardly go to the doctor, the arthritis was a chance discovery when I thought I broke a bone in my hand.
Starting cycling was the best thing I did for my knee, it's hardly ever painful now.
I tend to spin low gears, grinding gives me a sore knee after the ride.


Über Member
No ice or no mri as yet . This has just been the start of this agian for me so finding out how to go about things now is what I'm at .


Über Member
I can cope with the pain off the bike it's pain when on the bike and having to stop when on a ride I don't want .
I'm thinking just keep on cycling but take it easy for a while spinning on low gears to see how it goes .
Would strapping the knees help any apart from looking daft lol


Legendary Member
Strapping probably won't help much, as cycling isn't weight bearing. Do you have swelling, if so compression may help. Just try little and often. You don't need to ride in a club to enjoy cycling

How long do you have to wait for physio? Can you go private, find someone who is cycling focused. You need the right programme of exercises and stretches that strengthen the muscles around the knee and work muscles that can be tight in cyclists, hamstrings, glutes
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Über Member
Private might be the way forward just worried of being out a small fortune .
And not being able to keep up is what I'm worried about too


Legendary Member
Private might be the way forward just worried of being out a small fortune .
And not being able to keep up is what I'm worried about too
Keep up with what? Physio? Even in London, it’s not usually much more than £50 a time
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