Paris - Nice (*Spoiler*)

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Valverde rode really well today - the win means 10 bonus seconds, which might matter come the final analysis. He is looking very strong at the moment. Wiggins didn't seem too bothered today though, staying well within himself.
I'm not sure whether the work had already been done but when Movistar moved to the front they brought the time gap down considerably from the 3-man breakaway, very quickly. I remember that within 20km there was still a 3 minute gap or thereabouts. As FM pointed out, Valverde was fantastic from what I saw of the last 50 or so km but his team did a lot of hard work getting him there. Fair play to them and him (and at least this time it was fair play).

I fancy Wiggins to win this, but Omega Pharma-Quick Step look strong too and I doubt we've seen the best of Chavanel yet...


Well-Known Member
OPQ do look good, but it's early days. Today, the front was very Sky-ish. Sure, OPQ and Movistar were up front a lot, but the shots down the road alway had a load of black and cyan helmets hugging the corners. I'd put money on Sky for this. As a previous poster said, they seem to be racing rather than preparing, which may take other teams by surprise if only for the first four stages. Wiggins was even taking clear risks in the TT. They want to win it.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I'm slightly baffled (it's not unheard of) as to why Boonen put in such a big shift on thed early stages of the last big climb. OPQ didn't appear to have a plan thereafter.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I don't know either Rich, but perhaps he was trying to move Leipheimer up to take some time out of Wiggins. From what I've read (can't get TV coverage here ATM) Wiggins is riding easily so far and so a shot at the overall is possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Leipheimer may be the best placed OPQ rider overall but he doesn't look like a threat. I'd love to see them backing Chavanel.

Sky didn't seem too bothered by Valverde's brilliant move yesterday but you'd expect them to take a lot more notice if he tries the same again today. As someone already mentioned, those bonus seconds could be crucial in the end.



Hoping to see Tommy Voeckler up there today!

Voeckler is very obviously using the race as hard training so far, he has looked to be out of form.

He will probably put in a 60 kms solo break to he win now...............
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