Personal Injury "Blackmail"

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the tank engine
bonj said:
Well there you go then - you've got a watertight case.
Get a mate to warn them about that tap, then when they don't bother doing anything about it, snatch that one off as well, then you can claim they were warned about it but failed to act - clear case of negligence.
You might on second thoughts want to get another mate to do the claim, 'cos you don't want to be marked down as a serial tap-snatcher.

I did tell the cleaner about it months ago. I don't know if she passed it on or not (presumably did), but I wouldn't want to get him in trouble if she forgot as she's really nice.

I don't see why some people have such a problem.

First Point.

I was injured in my flat because of the tap not being securely attached (whether or not they are liable for this I do not know!)

Second point.

I could possibly have to pay because someone else broke the window and won't be honest and own up for it. I don't think this is fair and would rather not have to pay.

The 'blackmail point':

Not to be taken too seriously, but if the UNI were liable for my personal injury due to the tap coming of, I may have a case against them, in a similar way they may have a case against me to pay the appropriate portion of the window's damages.


Thomas - if you want to sue the uni or the person that broke the window, I can offer the benefit of my experience - I've notched up two successful suings so far and my brother has also notched up 2 of his own - not one involved solicitors or went to court. All you do is go to, it costs £25 which you will get back. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a solicitor.

But do remember that blackmail is illegal, so don't do anything that purports to any intention to relate the tap incident with the window incident.


thomas said:
I did tell the cleaner about it months ago. I don't know if she passed it on or not (presumably did), but I wouldn't want to get him in trouble if she forgot as she's really nice.

Not provable. Letter sent recorded delivery of which you keep a copy should suffice however.


If you haven't already got a job, that can testify that you were on unpaid absence due to your neck injury, then you may need to "restrospectively" get such a job ;)wink wink aye-aye know-what-i-mean


the tank engine
bonj said:
Not provable. Letter sent recorded delivery of which you keep a copy should suffice however.

Nah, there would be a record of it, assuming she passed the information on. It would all be stored by the UNI mind.

I'm not really that interested in receiving anything for my neck, I'm just looking to minimise my liabilities for the window.

I think the money claim website would be more useful for cases where costs have been incurred, rather than personal injuries.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Crackle said:
Bonj is here, he'll sort it. We just need Joe24 as well.

Sorry, ive just been laughing too much to reply:laugh::blush::laugh:
The post of, "Ooh, that looks costly" made me laugh. What someone would say before quickly running away;):smile:
I have a problem with this though. Your neck went into spasm because of water:wacko: WTF are you on. If someone shot me with a water gun, my neck wouldnt go into spasm. HTFU!

Oh, and just refuse to pay for the window because it wasnt you, and dont reply to emails. Let the person that broke the window, and whos being emailed, sort it.
Keep quiet, im sure it will go away;)


the tank engine
Joe24 said:
Sorry, ive just been laughing too much to reply:laugh::blush::laugh:
The post of, "Ooh, that looks costly" made me laugh. What someone would say before quickly running away;):smile:
I have a problem with this though. Your neck went into spasm because of water:wacko: WTF are you on. If someone shot me with a water gun, my neck wouldnt go into spasm. HTFU!

Oh, and just refuse to pay for the window because it wasnt you, and dont reply to emails. Let the person that broke the window, and whos being emailed, sort it.
Keep quiet, im sure it will go away;)

The surprise when the tap came off and there was water spraying up to the roof caused the spasm. It's not something I've ever had before...and it wasn't caused by the water, but me probably jumping back in shock.

It didn't half hurt, so I wouldn't wish anyone had one.

By spasm, I wasn't shaking around uncontrollably or anything.


thomas said:
Nah, there would be a record of it, assuming she passed the information on. It would all be stored by the UNI mind.

I'm not really that interested in receiving anything for my neck, I'm just looking to minimise my liabilities for the window.

I think the money claim website would be more useful for cases where costs have been incurred, rather than personal injuries.

"assuming" isn't a word that'll stand up in court!

Seriously thought thomas, just refuse to pay for the window.
They can't make you pay for it, and if they are going to try to take you to court to force you to pay for it, they'll have to prove you are liable, which if you aren't guilty, they won't be able to. End of.


the tank engine
bonj said:
"assuming" isn't a word that'll stand up in court!

Seriously thought thomas, just refuse to pay for the window.
They can't make you pay for it, and if they are going to try to take you to court to force you to pay for it, they'll have to prove you are liable, which if you aren't guilty, they won't be able to. End of.

No I know, point is, I would rather pay for the window than get the cleaner in trouble for forgetting to tell the senior house keeper who would file a report to maintenance.

As for taking to court, it wouldn't matter if I was or wasn't guilty due to this paragraph:

"The Licensee will not:
13.2 Damage or allow others to damage any part of, or equipment in, the Residential Premises including the communal areas. Where the cause of cost or repairing or replacing items or areas damaged in communal areas cannot be attributed to individuals all residents of the house or flat will be invoiced an equal share of the cost to the University OR where appropriate UEASR of the additional costs and administration save for any resident who can reasonably demonstrate that he or she was not present when the damage occurred."


Joe24 said:
Sorry, ive just been laughing too much to reply:laugh::blush::laugh:
The post of, "Ooh, that looks costly" made me laugh. What someone would say before quickly running away;):smile:
I have a problem with this though. Your neck went into spasm because of water:wacko: WTF are you on. If someone shot me with a water gun, my neck wouldnt go into spasm. HTFU!

Oh, and just refuse to pay for the window because it wasnt you, and dont reply to emails. Let the person that broke the window, and whos being emailed, sort it.
Keep quiet, im sure it will go away;)

no, you're getting it all wrong -he didn't get neck spasms from the water HITTING his neck, he got neck spasms from jerking his neck back in shock at water spurting up into the air! :biggrin::laugh:


thomas said:
No I know, point is, I would rather pay for the window than get the cleaner in trouble for forgetting to tell the senior house keeper who would file a report to maintenance.

As for taking to court, it wouldn't matter if I was or wasn't guilty due to this paragraph:

FORGET about the cleaner! I'm talking about a different tap, that hasn't AS YET come off!:smile:

If you are going to go down the "warn, snatch, claim" route you need to put it in a letter to the uni, but it has to be said that this isn't a course of action i would condone in the slightest, obviously! :blush:


thomas said:
I think the money claim website would be more useful for cases where costs have been incurred, rather than personal injuries.

Unfortunatley though thomas, claiming for personal injury is in theory only supposed to be done BECAUSE costs have been incurred, e.g. you weren't able to work because you were injured so suffered loss of income.
Personal injury payouts aren't a 'prize' given to you JUST to compensate for your suffering, you know.
Did your ipod and laptop survive the deluge by the way?? wink wink?? :blush:


pre-talced and mighty
Forget the tap. Buy the glass yourself (make sure it's safety glass) and put it in yourself. Glazing is a useful skill. Best to practice away from home.

As a guide, I've just had a bit of safety glass cut that was about 885 x 500 (remember you have to measure it to the millimetre). It cost £18 and the glazier gave me the putty for free. If it's a double glaze unit it will be more expensive, but, notwithstanding, cheaper than paying the maintenance people to do it. And then you say 'what window?'


dellzeqq said:
Forget the tap. Buy the glass yourself (make sure it's safety glass) and put it in yourself. Glazing is a useful skill. Best to practice away from home.

As a guide, I've just had a bit of safety glass cut that was about 885 x 500 (remember you have to measure it to the millimetre). It cost £18 and the glazier gave me the putty for free.

SUPERB idea! better still, just bang a perspex pane in, it's much cheaper - they'll never know.
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