Personal Injury "Blackmail"

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the tank engine
bonj said:
FORGET about the cleaner! I'm talking about a different tap, that hasn't AS YET come off!:biggrin:

If you are going to go down the "warn, snatch, claim" route you need to put it in a letter to the uni, but it has to be said that this isn't a course of action i would condone in the slightest, obviously! :blush:

Nah, I'm not out to cause trouble. :smile:. I just wanted to know what the case was with that bit of the contract in regard to personal injury...I obviously gave far tooo much background information for why I wanted to know.

bonj said:
Unfortunatley though thomas, claiming for personal injury is in theory only supposed to be done because costs have been incurred, e.g. you weren't able to work because you were injured so suffered loss of income.
Personal injury payouts aren't a 'prize' given to you JUST to compensate for your suffering, you know.

I missed a lecture...what's that worth (considering I passed the module with a reasonable mark :biggrin:) :biggrin:...a little bit for pain and suffering wouldn't be unreasonable...that's why people get £3k for some made up whiplash claim, which resulted in a day off work (not worth £3k).


More serious cyclist than Bonj
thomas said:
The surprise when the tap came off and there was water spraying up to the roof caused the spasm. It's not something I've ever had before...and it wasn't caused by the water, but me probably jumping back in shock.

It didn't half hurt, so I wouldn't wish anyone had one.

By spasm, I wasn't shaking around uncontrollably or anything.

What a ****ing joke. Dont be such a drama queen:rolleyes:
Id give you nothing for that, and tell you to piss off out of my court and to come back with a serious case.(would i make a good judge?)
Do you jump back in surprise when the urinal your peeing in starts to flush.
Bearing in mind my neck cricked when i was messing about on ice when i was younger, and ever since its ached/hurt, theres alot of things that can cause your neck to hurt for a few days. Just sleeping on it funny will do it.
I dont really see what your trying to achieve by the neck thing. You think that you saying about it will reduce the cost of the window? If i was the person sorting out the charges, id make sure you had to pay for it, get the most expensive firm, most expensive window and bump up the admin charges, so even if, IF you got some for your neck, you would have a hell of a lot to pay for the window, and you would just lose it all.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
bonj said:
no, you're getting it all wrong -he didn't get neck spasms from the water HITTING his neck, he got neck spasms from jerking his neck back in shock at water spurting up into the air! :smile::laugh:

Im tempted to ask if he got neck spasms when he first did something by the surprise of something spurting into the air, but i think i shouldnt be so disgusting.


the tank engine
dellzeqq said:
Forget the tap. Buy the glass yourself (make sure it's safety glass) and put it in yourself. Glazing is a useful skill. Best to practice away from home.

As a guide, I've just had a bit of safety glass cut that was about 885 x 500 (remember you have to measure it to the millimetre). It cost £18 and the glazier gave me the putty for free.

haha :biggrin: not sure how they would feel about that (especially as it'd probably fall out the day after - breaking again...and I'd definitely be responsible then :blush:).

When the cost comes through for it, if the figure sounds stupid I'll phone up some companies and try and get an idea of what they would charge for the work

bonj said:
SUPERB idea! better still, just use perspex - they'll never know.

:biggrin: I've got an A grade GCSE in tech and an A level in it too so I'm used to working with perspex :smile:


the tank engine
Joe24 said:
Do you jump back in surprise when the urinal your peeing in starts to flush.

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm used to taps where the water comes out, gradually, through the bottom of it...not shooting out the top with the handle coming's not something I prepare myself for.

It's not like it came off and then I went back to bed, slept funny to make it hurt, or starting smacking my neck against the wall to cause a problem.

Ashtrayhead said:
Was the tap loose, or did you faucet?

harhahrar :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Joe24 said:
Im tempted to ask if he got neck spasms when he first did something by the surprise of something spurting into the air, but i think i shouldnt be so disgusting.

:biggrin::biggrin: veerrrrry clever :smile:


This is an ODD thread!

If the tap that the maintenance knew was faulty flew off and broke your nose (or hit and injured you) you have a case for a claim, if you hurt yourself dodging water (that would have essentially just splashed you) I cant imagine this would be taken seriously by many people. Surely thats all that can be said?

Blackmail is never a good idea and if you want contructive advice seriously or not dont mention it.

As for the window you can either hide and see if it goes away or pay up and try to get the money back from the guys that did it.

Thats about it isnt it?


thomas said:
Nah, I'm not out to cause trouble. :blush:. I just wanted to know what the case was with that bit of the contract in regard to personal injury...I obviously gave far tooo much background information for why I wanted to know.

I missed a lecture...what's that worth (considering I passed the module with a reasonable mark :smile:) :biggrin:...a little bit for pain and suffering wouldn't be unreasonable...that's why people get £3k for some made up whiplash claim, which resulted in a day off work (not worth £3k).

basically, you can only claim for a tap having caused you an injury if you can prove that:
(a) the uni were liable, this will probably involve proving that they were negligent
AND you can prove that
(:biggrin: it was the tap that caused you the injury,
AND you can prove that
(c) you suffered financial loss as a result of that injury.
You don't need a PI lawyer, you simply need to be able to prove those three things.

Conversely, the uni can only force you to pay for the broken window if they can prove that you are liable for it.


the tank engine
Wigsie said:
If the tap that the maintenance knew was faulty flew off and broke your nose (or hit and injured you) you have a case for a claim, if you hurt yourself dodging water (that would have essentially just splashed you) I cant imagine this would be taken seriously by many people. Surely thats all that can be said?

Blackmail is never a good idea and if you want contructive advice seriously or not dont mention it.

As for the window you can either hide and see if it goes away or pay up and try to get the money back from the guys that did it.

Thats about it isnt it?

Probably quite good advice. The blackmail bit wasn't meant to be taken as seriously as some people seemed to have taken it.

As for the actual neck spasm. It was an uncontrollable reaction. It presumably was caused by the surprise of the tap coming off and the water shooting up. I didn't try to avoid the water by any stretch of the imagination. The first thing I did was try to jam it back in and then find the turn off switch thing (which is in a locked cupboard!) and spent the next 20 minutes waiting for maintenance to come while either blocking the flow of water, or putting towels down to stop it flowing out of the bathroom and into the hall way.

I ran out of time for a shower by the time maintenance got there, but I got so soaked through that it didn't really matter.


Fair enough, either way you would need a witness as the uni is unlikely to roll over and say your right thats what happened and we are sorry.

Necks go into spasm for all sorts of reasons, mine did a few years back from just rolling off my pillow and the half asleep jolting action/reaction that followed sent it into spasm (I would have sued my wife for hogging the bed but she has no money).

I got private Osteo/physio to help with pain both said it was more than likely the straw that broke the camels back from an earlier incident rather than the jarring motion itself. Have you had any falls, accidents or anything in the last 10 years that could have caused a hidden injury and it built up over time?
This is one of the funniest threads I've read for a long time...

I've been laughing so hard at the notion of a "serial tap-snatcher"that my ribs hurt. (thanks Bonj..)I don't know why that's so funny but it just is..*drifts off into an imaginary world where the clean living honest folk are the victims of serial tap-snatchers on an almost hourly basis and are helpless to defend themselves against the evil which stalks them in every kitchen, bathroom and er, public toilet...*
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