Pet Hates things you hate that other road users do

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My biggest at the moment is people who reverse from their drive ways into the main road without looking, or leave their indicator running even though they will not b turning

Ste T.

Tailgating and not indicating.
Tailgating, using their horn when not required, winding windows down to shout at me. Cutting me up.

My most recent fav is a three point turn in the middle of a min roundabout which almost killed me I now carry some lose change to throw just in case it happens again.


Active Member
Malaga, Spain
I really don't know how you lot would get on here in Southern Spain.

Everything that's been mentioned so far is just commonplace and the norm here.

You would all be jibbering wrecks.

But saying all that, it seems that cyclists have a bit more respect here than in the UK.
Using a mobile phone while driving. The difference being that while I may be irked on occasion by some of the thoughtless driving that happens, using a mobile is way beyond thoughtless.


Über Member
middle lane hogging (clue-if there's enough space to undertake you then you are in the wrong lane!)
not indicating
Pet hate, as in minor irritation..

Those who sit in the right hand lane at TL's, then indicate right when the lights change to green and not before, allowing people who need the right-hand lane (perhaps for an imminent right turn at the following junction) to get stuck behind them and miss a phase

Drivers who sit in traffic on their brake pedal on a rainy night - use the handbrake and give our eyes a rest from your brake lights - especially now high-level brake lights are the norm

Drivers who cannot understand tidal flow traffic systems and sit on a green light then go through on red onto the wrong exit of the junction

Thing is...all these are more commonly experiences/cause a problem when driving a car...a bicycle can get around #1, not looking through a rainy windscreen reduces glare from #2 and again, bicycles can get around #3

So yes, cycling is much less hassle than driving

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
In Melbourne,

- zealous horn usage (but I have an AirZound now :evil: and I swear I've only used it once in 2 weeks :rolleyes:)
- little or no indicating (and for too short a time)
- blinding fog lights when there's no bloody fog
- the left-hooks (i.e. cars turning left across your path, normally fairly close to you)
- close overtakes
- yelling stuff out their windows at me (rendered completely unintelligible by the Doppler effect)
- tailgating

Fortunately, the above now just tend to mildly annoy me, and at times even amuse, rather than really p!ss me off, so I guess I'm becoming inured to it over time.


Legendary Member
Tailgating, using the phone, people that appear to be incapable of reading the road ahead of them, anyone who wants to drive faster than I do is an irresponsible idiot, anyone who wants to drive slower than I do is doddering old fool.


Über Member
East Sussex
Not reading the road ahead, a lot of drivers could save themselves a fortune if they could anticipate what is happening in front of them more.


Faster cyclists who come up behind me silently then overertake so close that we almost touch.
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