Police stopping cyclists in Preston

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Legendary Member
[QUOTE 1576799"]
What type of photograph would disprove ownership, and what type of picture would prove ownership?


30 seconds on an i-phone and i could call up picture of me on any of my bikes on CTC or club outings

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
Instead of stopping cyclist randomly, now that the nights are drawing in, the police (I mean me) could (read as, will be) stopping every person found cycling after dark without lights. Now that is not to say that bike theft only happens during a time of darkness. What it does mean is a legitimate reason to stop a person on a bike.

This has several advantages over random stopping. Firstly there is the safety issue. Secondly, it give me the right to ascertain there name date of birth address etc (which then can be checked against the Police National Computer, Local Intelligence systems, Crime data). I can then check to see if the bike is thiers, and if enough suspicion is raised then I can get my hands in thier pockets...

Works for me!


Über Member
North Cheshire
It's also important to emphasise 'the bike can be seized', not the bike will be seized. Not much fear of any honest person without a major chip on their shoulder having a bike seized. :thumbsup:

No, if the police are suspicious they have said they WILL seize the bike until the owner can prove ownership.

Do you seriously think the police can just look at people and tell if they are 'honest' ?


Legendary Member
Instead of stopping cyclist randomly, now that the nights are drawing in, the police (I mean me) could (read as, will be) stopping every person found cycling after dark without lights. Now that is not to say that bike theft only happens during a time of darkness. What it does mean is a legitimate reason to stop a person on a bike.

This has several advantages over random stopping. Firstly there is the safety issue. Secondly, it give me the right to ascertain there name date of birth address etc (which then can be checked against the Police National Computer, Local Intelligence systems, Crime data). I can then check to see if the bike is thiers, and if enough suspicion is raised then I can get my hands in thier pockets...

Watch out Peterborugh it starts tonight!

PS Won't be running this op next summer!

Thee points:

1 there is no suggestion of random stops:

<h>Targeting riders
Police officers are of course not stopping every cyclist out riding their bike. People are only stopped from riding their bikes if an officer believes that the bike could be stolen, Lancashire Police told us. For instance, a man who is riding a woman’s bike or a child’s bike will be stopped as that instantly rouses suspicion.

2 Everyone i know who had a bike stolen, other than in a shed/garage break in, has lost it in daylight hours.

3 Stolen quality bikes are (see gumtree, e-bay, Brick Lane, etc) most often not kept and ridden by the thief but off loaded for cash

stopping someone looking out of place on a bike (eg trainer clad hoodie on an SPD equipped bike) seems appropriate


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
[QUOTE 1576769"]
How about, next time you a see a copper, stop him and ask him to actually prove he's a copper? Not just his uniform and numbers, you can get them anywhere. A warrant card can easily be faked, so how does he actually prove he's a copper?


I was going to ask you to prove you are actually a moron... but there is no need, it's quite obvious.


Legendary Member
I was going to ask you to prove you are actually a moron... but there is no need, it's quite obvious.


Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
I'm always a bit amused at those who want to close down/move a debate, but only after they have had their turn, never before.

Thanks for being so patronising.

I didn't suggest closing anything and my suggestion to move it to the Helmet Debates section was a "tongue in cheek" remark on how contentious the subject had proved.

How unlike you to jump down someone's throat at the first opportunity.


[QUOTE 1576817"] Jeez, you guys crack me up. Who needs sensible debate when you can call people names? [/quote] Would sensible debate involve making up your own stories, ignoring information given and ignoring any responses which show how un-sensible our own debates have been?

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
[QUOTE 1576820"]
Now, do you think you can carry on without the need for personal insults, or is that your default manouvere if you are disagreed with? I eagerly await the apology.

You might take your own advice and stop referring to the Police as "plod".

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
He probably didnt want a 3 day 'run in' with certain posters who are determined to have the last word and who have an agenda other than the subject in question (ring any bells).

All of which could have been avoided by not chipping in...

I have no problem whatsover with anyone having or voicing an opinion, but as I said I find it amusing when ... Oh you know the rest...
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