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Mrs M

Sleepy afternoon, sofa each :wub:

Four dogs in a room with lots of lalique crystal, not the best combination, the small one in the background the most likely to cause damage, thats my friends deaf as a post Russell cross Dachshund.
This sweet looking lady is a 4 year old Aussie Shepherd. The other two are a fat Lab and a blonde Staffy, they are busy fighting over a toy behind me, just next to a barley twist column with a nice vase on the top.

Mrs M

Oscar had a lovely visit to Stonehaven today!
Fabulous weather and visited the harbour for the first time.
Enjoyed watching the doggies and kids in the sea at the harbour beach, wanted to go in but not quite sure.
Explored the boardwalk and main beach, snoozed on the way home then so excited with his new toy that the Amazon man delivered :smile: coffee tree chew, (we told him it was a dinosaur’s toe) :ohmy:
Enjoyed the sun :sun:





just when we started to see the stone wall again, it starting snowing once more
View attachment 576036
View attachment 576037
That is a handsome cat, is it a forest cat?


Legendary Member
oh thanks, had to look that up, I don't think so, I've been told the 3 siblings are just called domestic long hairs (with a touch of Main Coon & since they were found under a barn floor, considered of feral descent) long explanation for mutt cat

View attachment 576670
View attachment 576671

We had mainecoons back in the day and they did look very much like your handsome fellow. I guess 'coons are just big hairy American farm cats rather than being too in bred, so not much different from a big hairy moggy. Sadly none of ours made old age, despite the breeders, a lovely couple who doted on the cats, making great efforts to look out for genetic diversity even to the extent of importing tom cats and breeding females from the states.
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