Prescription Sunglasses

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Well-Known Member
Anyone here use them?

Rather than wasting daily disposable contacts, I fancy getting some presciption sunglasses.

Just wondering which brand/shops to look at. I don't know of any local shops that specialise in this, so maybe online is the way to go.??


jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
It annoys me when people go completely off the subject, but here goes! I had laser treatment 4 years back and it has transformed my life. I have expanded from cycling to triathlons and am fitter than ever and 3.5stone lighter

Doesn't answer your question though! You can certainly go to any optician, but I know there are specialist cycling glasses with interchangeable lenses. Someone will be along soon!


Senior Member
Assuming you are talking cycling sunglasses you have two options...

1) Any sunglasses that take 'insets' which are a pair of prescription lenses that sit inside the glasses


2) Direct glazed. This is where the glass in sunglasses is glazed to your prescription.

I used my local opticians and they at first tried me with inset but I found the lens were a little bit 'whoa!' and too close to my eye so in the end I opted for 2) which we sourced from and I and the opticians were amazed at the glazing


Über Member
South Norfolk
You can get Px Oakleys if you can justify the cost.

I have monthly contact lenses. Not sure what I would do if I tried to swim in a triathlon - Px goggles then spend an extra minute in T1 putting in lenses?


There's quite often ads for these in the cycling mags, or at least there was when I was looking. In the end I stuck with disposable contacts - I like being able to peer over the top of my sunglasses if you go under some trees where it's really dark, or take them off if you stop at a cafe or pub where it's dark inside. That way you can still see without the glasses.

Mike Rudkin

Well-Known Member
garrilla said:
I used my local opticians and they at first tried me with inset but I found the lens were a little bit 'whoa!' and too close to my eye so in the end I opted for 2) which we sourced from and I and the opticians were amazed at the glazing

Are you saying that your local optician got the frames from Optilabs and put in his own lenses ?
Did you compare the cost of him doing thatwith the cost of Optilabs doing it all from your prescription-if so,how did it compare ??

Mike Rudkin

Well-Known Member
Gerry Attrick said:
I ordered a pair of prescription sunglasses from Optilabs (see previous post) a few days ago. They have not yet arrived, but I will post my thoughts when they do. The contact I have had with them so far has been excellent. Very helpful and informative.

Did you have any problems getting the PD measurement from whoever did your eye test ??
I asked the opticians at Tesco Extra if they would provide it-they refused point blank !
I'm sure that there's provision under the Freedom of Info Act to insist on them providing it,but it's all hassle.

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
I sure did. I last used Vision Express. Last will mean exactly that after my experience trying to get this info. They insisted they would not give me the information and that they were abiding by their trade body's rules. To cut a long story short, I pointed out that the legislating body in this country is Parliament, and it passed the Data Protection Act, 1998, Section 7 of which says that I am entitled to a copy of everything they hold on file about me, and I was demanding the release of the information. I threatened to go to Trading Standards if they maintained their position.

The result was back pedaling on a grand scale. Information obtained, though not before giving me the monocular measurement which I suspect was designed to throw me off.

They seem reluctant to supply this info. to prevent you going elsewhere. They say it is not part of the prescription and anyway, it is specific to the glasses they prescribed.

That is another heap of utter tosh. The PD is merely the distance between the centres of your pupils whilst you are looking into the distance.


Senior Member
Mike Rudkin said:
Are you saying that your local optician got the frames from Optilabs and put in his own lenses ?
Did you compare the cost of him doing thatwith the cost of Optilabs doing it all from your prescription-if so,how did it compare ??

No, after arsing about with the insets and various other frames they got optilabs to do it and tbh i think they made a little loss but it cost me no more and they love my custom


Optilabs for me, too. Not the most stylish, maybe, but solid frames, accurate lenses and very helpful people to deal with. I'm on my second pair.

Last time I had an eye test - Boots - I had them measure the pupil distance. It wasn't an issue for them


Well-Known Member
I've been using Optilabs now for the past 5 years. My first pair lasted 4 years until they were damaged in an accident after which I went out and bought an identical pair. I use the reactolite lenses which adjust to the light conditions and can highly recommend.

As for the pupil measurement, I got a mate to carefully measure it with a vernier calliper.
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