Product Design Student requires some help

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Hi all, I am a product design student at the University of Northampton. I am working on my final project to re-design the bike. It may have to replace the car one day.

I am hoping some of you guys can help me with my studies by filling out a quick multiple choice survey. It will only take 2 minutes and there are no wrong answers. Please click on the link below.

Any questions or comments most welcome.

Many thanks,

Posted in the wrong place, but done.

If its 20 years+, I would imagine there would be a greater shift from cars to bikes with hopefully some changes in the law reflecting the road's shared usage.


I have an idea of maybe a 3 or 4 wheeled vehicle. It could have two passengers side by side. More like a car. I don't think a tandem is illegal?
I have an idea of maybe a 3 or 4 wheeled vehicle. It could have two passengers side by side. More like a car. I don't think a tandem is illegal?

While a possibility, and has already been done in various guises, the drawback for commuting (for me) would be being too wide the filter past all the static cars stuck in thier traffic jam.

The main things that influence any variances in my journey time are my general wellbeing or the wind. Other traffic levels are not really a significant factor. If I had a wider HPV this would no longer be the case. Not only would I be held up in places, but I would imagine that there would also be places that I would be a major irritation for other road users who would be stuck behind me.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Hi all, I am a product design student at the University of Northampton. I am working on my final project to re-design the bike. It may have to replace the car one day.

I am hoping some of you guys can help me with my studies by filling out a quick multiple choice survey. It will only take 2 minutes and there are no wrong answers. Please click on the link below.

Any questions or comments most welcome.

Many thanks,


Redesign the bike?
You can't even design a simple survey that gets you some decent new ideas.
How many gears, which of the well-known braking systems, FFS...


Done. However I don't believe the bike needs redesigning, it's the road network that needs an overhaul
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