puts me off joining a cycling club..

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Legendary Member
A car overtook me on the M4 last year and the driver never even acknowledged me.


Why were you cycling on the motorway?


Rural Quebec
Last year on a long straight flat stretch this young 'un zoomed past me, he had obviously spotted me from afar. He stopped in front turned his bike sideways and looked up at me his tongue hanging out and panting, his jubilation quickly passed and I could see it in his face. Shoot I just bust a gut to overtake an old geezer, as I went by I said "Hi how're ya doing'" but he didn't reply - nobber.
Where are you mr blades? Have never really subscribed to the idea that southerners are less friendly than northerners but i do find cyclists awheel more friendly in my northern travels than down south. Many a speed warrior gives me a nod, wave, greeting.


crappy member
South West
so im out today cycling up a hill, i hear puffing and panting behind me then see 4 guys from colchester rovers cc on my right overtaking me. i say a quick hello and they ignore me, ok not a problem as they were going for it. however instead of passing and keeping their speed up, they just sit in front of me! it was obv important for them to overtake me, but to then slow back down just yards in front of me shows they did it purely for their egos! when i overtake someone i make sure i drop them or at least keep the speed up. saddos.
your attitude would make you fit right in with most club riders


Legendary Member
You did it all wrong. Let them expend their energy catching you up, then just as they're sensing victory put a spurt on and keep them behind. They'll be too nacked to do much about it for a while, by which time you can assess your options for a) speeding away, b) keeping station just ahead of them, or as a last resort, c) casually pretend you've arrived at your destination and pull over. Option b) is my favourite, and I feel the most dispiriting for the victim.


Just try and overtake them back, then, the race is on....................


Kilometre nibbler
If I started a thread to moan every time I get overtaken Sean would be needing a new server.

Actually, for reasons that are too boring to explain Dulwich Paragon pissed me off a while ago, and I have vowed never to join Dulwich Paragon. I'm sure they're pretty distressed about that.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
There's a few nobbers out there, but mostly there's lots of great cyclists. Forget the former and enjoy the company of the latter. Just chill and have fun :smile:
Yeah and some decent clubs .....

This is Thursday's club night, 3 different groups: Mellow, Medium, Quick.


Mixed bag of mellowers .....




Post ride recovery product in the clubhouse .....


Free chip butties!



Darren on Bkool
Please don't let this put you off joining a local club , I joined a local club 6/7 weeks ago now & it's the best thing that I could of done , improved my riding skills , speed & now spend quality time riding together on a Saturday morning

Tin Pot

so im out today cycling up a hill, i hear puffing and panting behind me then see 4 guys from colchester rovers cc on my right overtaking me. i say a quick hello and they ignore me, ok not a problem as they were going for it. however instead of passing and keeping their speed up, they just sit in front of me! it was obv important for them to overtake me, but to then slow back down just yards in front of me shows they did it purely for their egos! when i overtake someone i make sure i drop them or at least keep the speed up. saddos.

The club thing aside.

I do think it's funny when people pass me fast but never seem to get more than a few metres ahead.
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