Real ale Vs. Lager

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Joe said:
Real ale everytime. Lager tastes like piss in comparison, or what I imagine piss tastes like anyway;)
An old man before my time.
Stuff like Duvel and Leffe is allright though, whatever category that falls under...

Both of Duvel and Leffe are ales, I believe, since they are brewed using bottom fermentng yeasts. (edit: oops.. ales use top fermenting yeast -I think Duvel and Leffe both are top fermented)

Duvel is one of the finest beers around. Leffe isn't to my taste - a bit too much Brett exposure perhaps? Also, it's owned by Inbev, which may or may not be a good thing.
Delftse Post said:
Both of Duvel and Leffe are ales, I believe, since they are brewed using bottom fermentng yeasts.

That explains why my farts are so bad after a session of real ales. :rolleyes::blush::biggrin:


New Member
Colne, Lancs
I'm all for Real ale; but, also what you're forgetting is the UK's fine selections of great cider. So, if you want something a bit fizzy, then head for the Westons as opposed to the lager.

Personally, I like a sweeter ale, something like Golden Glory - don't like Porter or Stout all that much. I had 'Nags' in Edale last week, and that was very tasty.

Chris James

Über Member
Rigid Raider said:
Keg lager is simply a nasty pasteurised industrial mass-market product designed to get yobs and girls pissed as fast as possible while generating obscene profits for the makers. Proper beer is brewed mostly with pride by people who care about the product and who strive to deliver quality. There's no contest.

I agree. SOME lagers are okay although few of them are widely available in the UK. When I went to Austria we ate at a brewery tap and I had a couple of pints of the (very nice) local brew. It was slightly cloudy, unpasteurised, and tasted much like the recent summer lighning type ales that have cropped up here.

Anything sterilised, and then pumped with CO2 to give some vestige of life, has little taste and is basically factory pop.

Chris James

Über Member
PS Just because I like real ale, I don't actually have a beard (and i have a wife and kids and don't live with my mum).

The avatar's not of me.
varies according to mood, place, company etc... By volume real ale but I also enjoy a bland lager occasionally or a wheat beer ...... mmmmm What time is it? Oh still too early :biggrin:

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
Real ale if there's good stuff available, Stella or similar if not. the pub at the top of our road, for instance, sells Timmy Taylor's Landlord which is about the best beer anywhere, but the stuff he sells is flat and flavourless so I drink Stella instead.

Chris James

Über Member
Stella gives me a headache whilst drinking it. At least real ale has the decency to wait a few hours before the headache kicks in.

Which makes me wonder what is actually in Stella (and Kronebourg for that matter).
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