Red light jumping - a confession

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New Member
I realise this has been discussed to death on here so apologies, but I jump red lights in London. Never at a junction, and never where there is any hint danger to myself or anyone else. But if there a red light at a pedestrian crossing, and no pedestrians anywhere near, and the road ahead is completely empty, then I can't help myself. Am I evil?


New Member
if there a red light at a pedestrian crossing, and no pedestrians anywhere near, and the road ahead is completely empty, then can I drive through in my car?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I wouldn't - you are being lazy. It sets a bad example, motorists see you, other folk see you..... "ah another bloody cyclist".

Treat it as interval training. Stop, start off you go.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
gabefleming said:
I realise this has been discussed to death on here so apologies, but I jump red lights in London. Never at a junction, and never where there is any hint danger to myself or anyone else. But if there a red light at a pedestrian crossing, and no pedestrians anywhere near, and the road ahead is completely empty, then I can't help myself. Am I evil?

Not evil. Just wrong.

If time is so precious that a few seconds matters (and that's all you'll ever have at a ped crossing), then maybe you need to set off earlier....


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Arch said:
If time is so precious......

Just needs to ride faster/harder..... All the RLJ'ers I see are slow...seriously slow.... suppose they must get a bit hissed off the number of times I keep passing them, then have the cheek to stop in their way....


New Member
Point(s) taken. I will try to fight the urge. Try, but not necessarily succeed :rolleyes:


Über Member
South Norfolk
Maybe if you justify it by saying that you have Look pedals, can't trackstand, and due to the absence of an ASL you feel under pressure from the cars behind while you attempt to clip back in?

I sometimes go through if the crossing has been cleared and feel that the red is taking far too long - I'm normally trackstanding but the couple of seconds before the cars buzz past can be quite useful. Never gone through at speed...I'll have slowed to a crawl or paused before I consider it.

If you think about it, an empty pedestrian crossing probably signifies an RLJing pedestrian who has walked across during a gap in the traffic.
fossyant said:
Just needs to ride faster/harder..... All the RLJ'ers I see are slow...seriously slow.... suppose they must get a bit hissed off the number of times I keep passing them, then have the cheek to stop in their way....

Im slow but I still overtake rljokers more than once.if the lights are at red i tend to slacken off and poodle up to never really in so much of a hurry to jump reds not that i jumped them anyway.


the tank engine
Hardly the end of the world. I have at times done that, but don't make a habit of it. Usually if it's late at night, no one around....quick check for the police :rolleyes:. If it was just on the way to work/for a day ride I'd set a good example and just use it as an excuse to have a drink/rearrange myself :hyper:
blazed said:
I got a fine for running a red light somewhere between edgware > barnet, cant remember if they carry points or not but red lights are not worth running if you can avoid it because lots have cameras now.

Ah, blazed is back. So it's not just 9 points then, but fines for running red lights! LOL! You really are building up quite a persona aren't you! :rolleyes:
Wait a minute! I just replied to a post by blazed and when I go back to the thread it has gone! It seems I have preserved the post by replying! :rolleyes:
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