Red light jumping. Ok or not ?

Red light jumping is okay

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 57 30.2%
  • No

    Votes: 112 59.3%
  • bring back hanging

    Votes: 13 6.9%

  • Total voters
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rowan 46

Über Member
I think what you meant to say was:

Red light jumping is against the law thus I think it is wrong.

you are right it just irritated me when I saw him correcting/editing other peoples posts and I wanted to get my own back


Über Member
I personally feel after midnight a lot of traffic lights in quiet areas should be switched off. I have known a lot of people to RLJ after midnight and the problem you will get is that someone will rightfully go through a green light without checking whether if it is safe to do so* and there lies a problem. If they had to treat it as a junction then everybody would have to concentrate. Obviously there are situations where traffic lights could and should not be switched off.

I think you are right, I think we have too many traffic lights so people tend to just follow them rather than follow what's actually going on in the road. I think at certain times we should turn them off, and I think many traffic lights should be removed from junctions.

I'll be happy to back any such campaign to do so, but AFAIK such campaigns have been so far restricted to local and specific junctions nowhere near me.

But until then, I'll stop at the lights even when there's no one around - unless they are sensor based and effectively faulty*. Why? Why not?

*which reminds me. Angelfishsolo - in such cases, where a light is faulty, you are legally allowed to jump the light. So again, not quite as black and white even within the law.

Mad at urage

New Member
Ignoring all the drivel and pedanticities above I am in the sometimes camp.

When turning left with good visibility I will sometimes RLJ, remember as cyclists we can hear as well as see whereas in most situations car/van and lorry drivers can-not.

I personally feel after midnight a lot of traffic lights in quiet areas should be switched off. I have known a lot of people to RLJ after midnight and the problem you will get is that someone will rightfully go through a green light without checking whether if it is safe to do so* and there lies a problem. If they had to treat it as a junction then everybody would have to concentrate. Obviously there are situations where traffic lights could and should not be switched off.

*I think if my memory serves me right you should always check the road is clear even when going through a green light anyway.

Obviously I will be in the minority judging from the poll but hey forums are about opinions.
Re the bolded text: Would you consider it OK for me to drive up to the lights in my Prius (in electric mode 'cos the batteries are full), with all windows down so that I can hear what's going on around just as well as if I'm cycling and jump the lights because I reckon it's safe to turn left?

Re the italicised: Agree

Glover Fan

Well-Known Member
Re the bolded text: Would you consider it OK for me to drive up to the lights in my Prius (in electric mode 'cos the batteries are full), with all windows down so that I can hear what's going on around just as well as if I'm cycling and jump the lights because I reckon it's safe to turn left?

Re the italicised: Agree
Well firstly, you will not have full vision due to blind spots due to the car dashboard and A pillars, so visibility would be worse, but to be honest in America it is legal to turn left through a red light provided it is safe to do so. I would support such a motion in this country.

I think with traffic lights comes diminished responsibility any form of legislation that puts more responsibility in the hands of a qualified motorist or road user has to be in some situations safer. Far too many people treat the roads as a foolproof haven where we are all controlled by roadside furniture.

So in essence I suppose you would be OK in your Prius if turning left. You could even leave the windows up.:biggrin:

I wonder how much energy we could save by turning off just 25% of traffic lights in this country for just 5 hours? Also think of the fuel saved by not having to stop at a red light at 2am in the morning with no-one about.

I know I have kind of drifted off into motorist mode, but I cover over 50,000 miles a year in a car as well as a lot on the bike!


A Velocipedian
*which reminds me. Angelfishsolo - in such cases, where a light is faulty, you are legally allowed to jump the light. So again, not quite as black and white even within the law.

Granted. I took it as read (not red) we were talking about functioning lights.
Voted 'no' although I would do so if it were unsafe for me not to (not yet had a case of this). I do occasionally move forward past the front end of the ASL, if I feel not visible in the ASL or up the inside of a vehicle; but then remain stationary until the lights change. And no, not doing the track-wobble in the middle of the junction either.

The 'late at night if no-one is around' doesn't apply in my part of the world, it seems all our lights are sensor based and sensitive enough to trigger from my bike.
I have jumped lights where the sensor has been faulty after giving them two full cycles / waiting 5 minutes if no-one else triggers them.
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