Response from TFL regarding RLJs at Bow roundabout

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Über Member
Good work Luke again! We need to keep up the pressure RE: Bow Roundabout.
I wrote a quick ramble about the reply, yesterday, as I'm not sure whether the email actually says anything new is happening. And if something new is happening they really need to position themselves much more effectively
Thanks for trying @Luke Redpath


Legendary Member
Could be interesting if a cyclist dies there in the future and the coroner's officer is made aware that cyclists had previously complained and nothing was done. I hope it never comes to that, but perhaps a few cases where these people are hauled before an inquest might sharpen their thought processes in the future.
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
I realise I just pasted the email without further comment (although I am quoted in the RoadCC article).

I too share some scepticism about the efficacy of operation Safeway but it does at least seem to be a step in the right direction. It's certainly better than the terrible response I got first time around.


What’s the point
Did he comment on the cyclists jumping at 11.15

The first section of film is a waste of effort as there really isn't anywhere for a cycle to go apart from CS 2 unless you want to try the A12 slip or go back on yourself to Stratford . The middle bit looking towards Macdees is where jumping is an issue , but I go over the top which is where CS2 should have gone TBH but no fecker at tfl listened. There really is sod all local off the roundabout .

Doesn't excuse the RLJING though even if it is a little schoolboy " mis miss him over there is being more naughty"
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member


Sorry to resurrect, sonofthewinds went down and filmed and added DRAMATIC music.

It's easy to take the mick out of Traffic Droid and I find his whole red card thing a bit silly but this video perfectly captures just how bad this problem is, particularly those passing across the advanced start for cyclists next to the McDonalds (and the same on the other side).

I have sent a follow up email to TFL and included a link to this.

The police vehicle jumping the light at 9:33. Outrageous.


What’s the point
It's easy to take the mick out of Traffic Droid and I find his whole red card thing a bit silly but this video perfectly captures just how bad this problem is, particularly those passing across the advanced start for cyclists next to the McDonalds (and the same on the other side).

I have sent a follow up email to TFL and included a link to this.

The police vehicle jumping the light at 9:33. Outrageous.
Can you get them to have a word with whichever local authority puts salt down on the RAB . When it frosts the blue shiny shoot that I didn't ask for is a bit frickin lethal and never gets done.
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
I have today received a further, somewhat more positive response from TFL regarding this issue:

Dear Mr Redpath

Further to my email to you on 3 February 2017 regarding red light jumping at Bow Roundabout, including a police vehicle, I am now able to provide the following information.

We would first like to thank you for taking the time to once again provide footage of the red light jumping to report these continued breaches. Given the capacity for large numbers of cyclists and vehicles at this location, we take the matter you have brought to our attention very seriously.

We have therefore raised this matter with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). They have confirmed the information you have provided will be passed on to the team that covers this area and enforce accordingly. They will also be investigating the police vehicle that went through the red traffic lights.

We can also confirm that Bow Roundabout is one of the junctions covered by Operation Safeway. Operation Safeway sees more than 500 officers being deployed twice a month at the highest risk junctions for collisions where vulnerable road users are killed or seriously injured. The officers use a combination of enforcement, education and engagement to tackle dangerous, risky and illegal behaviour by all road users, including motorists and non-motorists.

We would also advise you again to keep reporting such incidents to Metropolitan Police Service directly via the RoadSafe London website via their online reporting tool . As you are aware, information captured from RoadSafe London is used to inform police deployments.

This is at least a step in the right direction although I have serious doubts over the effectiveness of Operation Safeway to combat this problem - not much an officer can do on foot if somebody jumps the reds.

In my response to the above, I also stressed the need for red light cameras, particularly in light of the proposed pedestrian improvements to the junction - an interim measure in lieu of a full redesign of the junction. If you haven't seen this, you can see the plans here:

My response:


At one time I used to go East over the flyover, I liked nothing I saw about the rab below, those bits of film are ghastly, I can see why they want to segregate because the cars etc seem to be all over the road trying to follow that corner, my routes are pretty settled these days but I used to have no issues avoiding junctions ot roads that I didn't like
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
At one time I used to go East over the flyover, I liked nothing I saw about the rab below, those bits of film are ghastly, I can see why they want to segregate because the cars etc seem to be all over the road trying to follow that corner, my routes are pretty settled these days but I used to have no issues avoiding junctions ot roads that I didn't like

I've used the flyover before. It wasn't too bad but its harder to join now with the new segregated lanes on the approach.

The main problem is that Bow can be hard to avoid. It depends where you're coming from - I manage to avoid it most of the time Eastbound coming from Liverpool St/Shoreditch by taking the Bethnal Green/Victoria Park route and joining the Greenway down to Stratford. If you're heading further south, CS3 isn't a bad option but it takes you quite out of the way.
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