Return to work routines?

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Well it's probably the time those of working or school age will be restarting after a potentially long break. If that's you how do you do it? Beat the early start. Beat the lethargy and early morning rush? Do you sleep in or not sleep much at all? Are you late or early?

As someone who struggles to get back into the routine on the first day I wonder if people have little tips, tricks, routines or dodges to make the restart run smoothly? Let's share are tricks!


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Sue Me
Well it's probably the time those of working or school age will be restarting after a potentially long break. If that's you how do you do it? Beat the early start. Beat the lethargy and early morning rush? Do you sleep in or not sleep much at all? Are you late or early?

As someone who struggles to get back into the routine on the first day I wonder if people have little tips, tricks, routines or dodges to make the restart run smoothly? Let's share are tricks!
Ill get up at 6:30 as normal, wash, brush teeth, have breakfast, then at 7:15ish i will wonder back upstairs into the office and start my working day…….7:30am til 3pm ( half hour lunch at 12)


Obviously Scotland get an extra day to recover from the festivities as we are all a bunch of Jakey's. :laugh:

I usually look forward to getting back into a routine but hate the night before lying in bed being unable to sleep due to the usually mix of 2 weeks of long lies and a bit of eagerness to get back to work. Best thing for me is to get up early a couple of days before I'm due back to ensure I get a good sleep the night before. Other than that, just throw yourself at the working day, it shouldn't take long. :okay:

Time Waster

Oh home working sounds great. Can't work from home when part if a manufacturing team.

5am start for me after 9:30am lie ins for nearly 2 weeks. It's the routine of getting up, breakfast, making up day's food and drinks (I've kept the habit of a flask of coffee from when the canteen was shut to reduce infection) and just making sure I am out on my bike to make the train on time. All while half asleep and trying to not wake anyone.

The worst thing is what the yearly restart always seems to be like. It's likely I'll have an initial rush of jobs to immediately do then it'll be quiet and the second half of the day will drag. Or I'll get too much stuff to do and real shoot jobs with it. Either way I'll reach lunch and want the day to end. At least its a 4pm dart, benefits of early starts to the day.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I stopped working 5 years ago. I was self employed for 14 years and hardly took a holiday as such. I'd just have days or 2 or 3 days off, so the work routine wasn't really broken. I remember my dad when I was a child singing "Now Is the hour"
as he went to bed on the last day/night of annual wakes weeks holidays. I always felt for him, even though he did it in a light hearted, stiff upper lip kind of way.:smile:

A tip for you. If you can't stand returning to work don't take holidays! :whistle: ;)
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Time Waster

What is this "work" thing whereof you speak?
Deary me. Are you so old you can't remember before your retirement? :laugh:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Been off work since the 24th with a bout of pneumonia (was only supposed to be a three day break)... last few mornings i've been getting up at 6am ish and from next monday, it'll be back to the 5.30am starts, so up at 4.45am and out the door at 5.15am :angry:

Despite the grumpy face... i've been working earlies for a good three years now and wouldn't have it any other way :okay:


Legendary Member
Deary me. Are you so old you can't remember before your retirement? :laugh:
Yep, been retired 5 years this year, stopped in June but didn't formally go until October. Ill be 53, so old I that can't remember what work was like.

But the rest of the household returns to normality. Im up at 6am to make Mrs D's lunch and flash of hot beverage, and to walk Mini D to school. I have my own routine with fits around and supports them.
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Legendary Member
I need to chuck the cat off my lap and get out of bed really.
Lots of colleagues and clients still off this week so it’ll be a gentle start :okay:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
MrsF has been working during the break, but from the 'lounge', so I've had to make myself scarce ! Both back at our desks in the house today.

Not really had any lie ins as been kicking my son off to work everyday - he's terrible at getting up.
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