Right Decision to go Fixie

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Oldie But Goodie

New Member
Bristol UK
Well guys thanks for all of the advice and the good news is that today I did purchase that Bianchi fixie.
Its really a bit strange to start with but I am sure that I will soon get use to it.
My main concern was that I thought that the hub ratio would not enable me to get up all the hills here in Bristol but no problems at all.
I have just attached some lights and will take a proper ride on it tonight but will have to proceed with caution to start with Im sure
I will get a photo of it on here soon.


Cycling Skoda lover
Well guys thanks for all of the advice and the good news is that today I did purchase that Bianchi fixie.
Its really a bit strange to start with but I am sure that I will soon get use to it.
My main concern was that I thought that the hub ratio would not enable me to get up all the hills here in Bristol but no problems at all.
I have just attached some lights and will take a proper ride on it tonight but will have to proceed with caution to start with Im sure
I will get a photo of it on here soon.
What about the A38 up past the airport ??? That nearly killed me this year on my way to Cornwall :wacko: Glad you are enjoying fixed,they are fun back to basics bikes.


I was very glad to come across this thread as I've been thinking about trying fixed or SS for a few months now, but worried my limbs were a tad old to try something new (will be 48 in Feb). I'll keep it on my list of cycling resolutions for 2011 and see how I go.

Way to go OBG :thumbsup:


Active Member
I'm 51 & riden fixed for forty years on the road in club runs, on the grass & on the track, done 35 mile today on 48 x 19 on my new 2011 Traitor, my oldest is a 1952 Viking trackmaster, plus I still can sprint at 198 RPM on my Dave Yates summer fixed with a 69" thats banging on the door of 40MPH, you are never to old, when I have the time and Stratford is open to the public I want to do masters track racing!

Oldie But Goodie

New Member
Bristol UK
Big Tim
Your bloody amazing and an inspiration mate

Wanda 2010 go for fixie its an incredible feeling.
My Bianchi turned up as a single speed and I have to admit it was very nice to ride but I made a commitment to fixie and got them to change it over staright away
Im finding it a bit difficult to locate the pedal toe grips when the pedal goes around at the same speed as the wheel though but Im sure with the right shoes I will get use to it

Skudupnorth your right about the A38 and to be honest I would sooner ride through a packed rush hour than ride on that road due to the wreckless way that some of the drivers pass you


I still can sprint at 198 RPM


Ye gods! That really is spinning.

It's my one area of concern still when riding fixed; downhill I can only spin to around 150... gets too spooky above that and I have to brake. 120 to 130 is my comfortable max. 198, I couldn't even dream of! Respect!!

Oldie But Goodie

New Member
Bristol UK
Just thought I would add a photo of the bike.
Its much better looking than me! :-}


Über Member
Thought I'd contribute this little relevant anecdote:

I was in Paris over christmas this year. Was waiting to cross a road and saw some guy on a rather ridiculous looking fixie coming towards me - tiny handlebars, bright white frame with bright red deep rims. I thought "what a sad hipster type".

It wasn't until he passed me that I saw it was a man who must have been in his late sixties at the youngest that I suddenly thought actually that's quite cool!

Thus: being old on a trendy fixie is far cooler than being young on a trendy fixie.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Like you, I'm 57; been riding fixed for some decades now. Rode Paris-Brest on fixed in 1999. I switch between gears and fixed. Not much in 2010, but four 600s in 2009, and might do a bit more this year. I'm in Devon, so a few hills. I swap between 64 and 68".


Cycling Skoda lover
Big Tim
Your bloody amazing and an inspiration mate

Wanda 2010 go for fixie its an incredible feeling.
My Bianchi turned up as a single speed and I have to admit it was very nice to ride but I made a commitment to fixie and got them to change it over staright away
Im finding it a bit difficult to locate the pedal toe grips when the pedal goes around at the same speed as the wheel though but Im sure with the right shoes I will get use to it

Skudupnorth your right about the A38 and to be honest I would sooner ride through a packed rush hour than ride on that road due to the wreckless way that some of the drivers pass you

He,He, I know ! It also hurts when you have a fully loaded bike :sad: Must choose a nicer route next time


@ Ian H - A few hills. I live in London and the few 'slopes' near where I live makes me catch my breath! :biggrin:

Yep. I admit to being wuss. Will work on that this year too :thumbsup:
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