Sensible Clubs and Societies

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Obviously an Aubergine
Im not overly familiar with London, but I always thought it was well known for its dearth of mountains?

A friend of mine belongs to the 'South Devon Mountaineering club' the t shirt always raises a smile.

To be fair I think they do a fair bit of cliff climbing, and go on trips to bigger stuff.

But It uses all my willpower not to wax lyrical about the rarefied air of The Totnes Massif, when I see it.
Back in the early 80's when I lived on the Isle of Bute, a new guy came to the island.
He was known as "Jimmy the Joiner".
The masonic, speakers club, golf club, bowling club, tennis club, rugby club, football club; you name it, he joined it!

There's something to be said for integrating into a community.

(Says the person who won't join anything... Is there a hypocrites club?)


Im not overly familiar with London, but I always thought it was well known for its dearth of mountains?
One of my friends is a member of the Chelsea Caving Club. And I believe London has a similar dearth of (natural) underground spaces :smile:
Apart from CC, the only thing I'm a paying member of is the Planetary Society.
Edit: was in the MU until last month. Can't play any more,so...
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Interesting thread. I may have to reconsider some of these memberships when I retire, just totting them up makes me realise how much I am paying.
The Magic Circle
Medway Magical Society
The Fridays
Cycling UK (mainly for insurance)
San Fairy Anne Cycling Club
Royal Artillery Boys and Junior Leaders Association
REME Corps Association

All uphill

Still rolling along
I think I'm technically still a member of the Church of England. They don't seem to have missed me in the last 50 years, or me them.
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