Sexism and fat shaming

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Bird Saviour
you've lost me now....she wrote that they were possibly similar to those that partake in revenge porn, then there are the comments by others such as small dicked, thugs, losers or cyclists are zen like, etc etc etc are all idiotical....
Probably a strong example to use but both choose their course of action to make the women feel bad and to feel superior. That's the similarity. They are, in short, just nasty pieces of work.


middle of nowhere in France
well, one good thing about cycling in france, is that don't understand what is said to me !!


Big Dosser
I'd noted she said they were in Castelli, I just presumed that meant they were thin. I've never been able to get in to anything from an Italian manufacturer (bike or bicycle kit). Other people have taken that to mean 'lycra clad blowhards'.

She actually stated on her Twitter that she wears Castelli and is a big fan of their clothes so I don't think she was trying to tarnish all Castelli wearers.


For the benefit of the sceptical Mr Irish, my justification for why I do and will continue to expect cyclists to be nicer people.

It seems to me blatantly obvious that, for any activity people can choose to participate in, (a) the people who choose to participate in it will almost always be a slanted section of the population in one way or another, and (b) participation in it will have an effect in them.

To give an example: I would be amazed if people who choose to volunteer for the TA were not a slanted section (e.g. more militaristic) of the population; and I would be amazed if participation in the TA did not have some effect on their character (make them more militaristic, but also change their approach to leadership, discipline, etc). Another example could be rugby players, which I think @MacB was citing, though I would not have done so, not being a rugby player and not wanting to promulgate my own stereotypes.

So I would be amazed if people who choose the open air rather than a confined space; who choose their own resources rather than relying on external power; who expose themselves to the vagaries of nature rather than insulate themselves from them; who match themselves to nature rather than using noisy, throbbing, vibrating engines to overcome nature; etc etc, did not tend to be different from the population as a whole, specifically, a nicer (under my definition of the word) sample. And I would be amazed if exposure to cycling did not tend to change people's character, again, in a direction that matches my definition of nicer.

So I will continue to expect cyclists to be nicer people, and when I meet or hear of one who is manifestly a knobhead, I will continue to be disappointed.

(@User has, I think, already pointed out the fallacy of thinking that a population average - a "tendency" - has to apply to every member of that population to be true, although, as ever, he pointed it out more succinctly than me.)

(I think the recent explosion of interest in cycling in the Surrey Hills, the setting of the OP blog and my home turf, has been in a style of cycling where the factors I listed above may be less strong. I would expect to sample a different spectrum of attitudes in the cafe at the top of Box Hill from a Youth Hostel full of LeJog-ing cyclists. But I happen to think those factors still apply even if less strongly.)


Lover of things that come in 3's
Cant believe this yhread is 9 pages long and full of utter twaddle ...shame on the lot of you .

There you go you've expressed your opinion and you can even join in if you want to expand on what and why some of this is twaddle. There are two discussions emerging here:-

1. do these sorts of behaviours actually happen?
2. what are the causes of these behaviours?

If you are male, over the age of about 10 and have never been in a group of lads where derogatory comments have been made about females in the vicinity, or in general in the media or your acquaintance - then you've led a very sheltered life. That is not to say the same groups won't make derogatory comments about other males but the vitriol does seem to be reserved for females...any ideas as to why?


Legendary Member
So what's your problem? You don't like sexism? You don't believe it exists? You don't think we should complain about it?

The content was obvious from the subject: why did you click?
And seemingly read the whole thread!!
Don't know - do you have the statistics?
Are you serious???

OK. There are a little over 16,000,000 women in the UK over 40 (40 is the median age in the UK, so considerably more than that adult women). %57 are overweight or obese, so thus there 9,000,000 overweight women over 40 in the UK. similarly there are a little less adult men. I'm going to say 1 in 1000 is willing to abuse random people on their appearance. In my experience, that is low ball. So that's around 16,000 men. Let's say (low balling again) that each of these people abuses a stranger on average once a month. That's 500 per day.

I would guess that the number of random abusive remarks made to overweight people or women in general is 10 times this. But even with my low estimate, it happens 3,500 times a week.


sorry but still utter tosh, so I take it you expect the same from mountaineers, runners, canoeist, sailors, hill walkers, ramblers the list is endless, so basicially anyone who does anything outdoors, :wacko:
people are the same from all walks of life irrespective of their outdoor/indoor activities and to think different you must be delusional.
Are you seriously saying that people who go cock fighting or badger baiting are just as nice as people who volunteer for the Samaritans? Surely I must have misunderstood you.

Anyway, if you wish to leave me with my delusions, that's fine by me, my delusions are, I've found, a pretty good basis for getting through life.

Hip Priest

who knows, who's to say the cockfighting badger baiter can't be good to his family, while the samaritan volunteer is a wife beating child molester....theres no way of you'll be telling me god fearing people do no wrong....
people are people the same all over the world.. jobs, past times whatever have no bearing on how good or bad they really are...

Infamous US serial killer Ted Bundy famously manned a Samaritans-type phoneline.
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