Simon Mayo Show

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Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
This made me laugh but the idea of a 14 year old boy owning a 5' radio controlled plane in 1964 makes me think he must have been incredibly wealthy. In fact so wealthy he would have been damn near royalty.

Then I thought, Prince Charles would have been around 14 in 1964 and he has a little sister....
I think a lot of those confessions are made up by the contributors.


Never used Über Member
It's a crying shame that it's come to this - I like both Mayo and Wiley respectively and listened to them separately for many years.

So what now?

Sara Cox is the obvious choice, if she wants to do it.
If the R2 bosses are determined to keep the show a double act, then they could do worse than OJ Borge and Angela Scanlon who I thought were good when they sat in for the incumbents over the summer.

That said, Angela Scanlon would be worth a punt at doing the show on her own as I've enjoyed listening to her own show on the odd occasion I've been up early enough on a weekend.

Or here's a left field suggestion - could Chris Moyles, the self styled saviour of Radio One be the man to fill the gap? I know he's a bit marmite but you can't argue with the listener figures he consistent got when he was last at the BBC.

As long as it isn't Fearne Cotton or Vanessa Feltz, we should be OK.

I agree that Steve Wrights show is tired and in dire need of a change - that said, Craig Charles is sitting in for him at the moment and he's terrible. Some of that is partly down to the format which hasn't been helped as he's clearly not been doing the research on some of his interviewees. In fact, I'm struggling to think of a stand in for Steve Wright who hasn't been awful. Maybe it's written into his contract to make him look good?

Joey Shabadoo

My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
Or here's a left field suggestion - could Chris Moyles, the self styled saviour of Radio One be the man to fill the gap? I know he's a bit marmite but you can't argue with the listener figures he consistent got when he was last at the BBC.

I can't abide Moyles. The week after 9/11 he put together a "montage" of disasters as some kind of memorial. One section was the mothers at Dunblane screaming when they heard what was happening to their kids. This he did as some kind of "entertainment" - it was awful. Extremely bad taste and I've shunned anything he's done since.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
Surely some of the R2 management should get the bullet?
Utterly hopeless, i agree.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Surely some of the R2 management should get the bullet?

Some people were moaning the schedule was too white, male, and over 50, so management responded to that pressure and bought in Whiley.

No reason to think it wouldn't work, she knows one end of a radio microphone from the other, but it didn't work.

So management responded to that pressure by binning Whiley and Mayo (or he may have spat the dummy) for someone yet to be revealed.

The Radio 2 breakfast programme is the most popular show in the country, and Ken Bruce appears well-liked.

I can't see what the management should have done, given that producing radio shows is not an exact science.

Inevitably, there will be an element of suck it and see.

A complete failure, such as Mayo/Whiley, is rare for Radio 2.


I can see Sara Cox as a good idea for replacing the abysmal, sycophantic Steve Wright, but the choice for the 'drivetime' show is a bit trickier. As Mayo is leaving and I think Whiley has always felt more 'natural' in a slightly 'warmer', evening slot, my suggestion for the drivetime show would be the hugely under-rated Alex Lester.

Lester used to be on from 0200 am to 0500 am. Not dissimilar in style to Mayo (whom I like) but with less of a thing about Prosecco. Lester is funny, but not in a 'frenetic' style, solid and competent. I liked his ongoing saga of Bolloxnia, an imaginary country who's entire economy was based upon sausage and sausage related products...
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