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Looks like I'll have to shell out a tenner for tubes at Halfords then, rather than the £3 tubes from Wiggle that I normally buy! Either that or fix the broken spoke on the mountain bike (which has been on the to do list for over a week!) :rolleyes:

I've just been over the top of Leckampton hill in the 4x4 (on this road ). The drifts made it 'interesting' as I was the first car through there for a few hours, I thought I was actually going to get stuck as the snow drifts into bands across the road up to a couple of feet high. I saw a couple of cyclists up there at the link, but they were pushing, not riding as the drifting is just too deep....mad buggers :crazy: , it is flipping cold up there :biggrin:
It's coming near us then! GWS, take care on the roads :hugs:

Certainly will Pat, thanks :smile: . Monday should be interesting cycling as it's supposed to be snowing all weekend. Maybe I should invest in some studded tyres like your good self

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Certainly will Pat, thanks :smile: . Monday should be interesting cycling as it's supposed to be snowing all weekend. Maybe I should invest in some studded tyres like your good self
They are very effective on ice as well. Keep them on all winter, you can't go wrong in our climate.
Speed of course, is not an issue with me :laugh:


Über Member
I've just been over the top of Leckampton hill in the 4x4 (on this road ). The drifts made it 'interesting' as I was the first car through there for a few hours, I thought I was actually going to get stuck as the snow drifts into bands across the road up to a couple of feet high. I saw a couple of cyclists up there at the link, but they were pushing, not riding as the drifting is just too deep....mad buggers :crazy: , it is flipping cold up there :biggrin:

Nothing quite that bad down in the city, maybe drifts up to about 8 inches in places but nothing too deep for a mountain bike! Might have a go at climbing up to Leckhampton Rd via Greenway tomorrow for a laugh as I doubt Sunday's club ride is going to happen with all this snow around!


Nothing quite that bad down in the city, maybe drifts up to about 8 inches in places but nothing too deep for a mountain bike! Might have a go at climbing up to Leckhampton Rd via Greenway tomorrow for a laugh as I doubt Sunday's club ride is going to happen with all this snow around!

We actually went up Harp Hill, but I was warned off going towards the masts on cleeve hill by a bloke on a quad bike as he said it was drifting on the road to them up to 6ft deep.
I rode up Greenway lane on my mates new 350 Husqvarna enduro bike just before the NERC bill came into force (was road legal, and legal to ride it about 6 years ago). Was flipping lethal on something like that. My mate was amazed that I didn't drop it in the way back down as it was the 1st time back on an off road bike for about 10 years.
That lane is certainly a challenge. I've ridden down it on a regular cycle and a road motorbike about 30 years ago (what was I thinking ^_^)

Have fun up there tomorrow :thumbsup:


Something else noteworthy, I say that we went the other way from the masts at the crossroads in the direction of Ham, Whittington, Andoversford, and then up to Seven springs in a big loop, but on that crossroads at the top of Harp Hill, we came across a transit connect van with a youngish driver and his mate. They were stuck behind a snow drift (couldn't go forward, couldn't go back, and were trying to dig it out with their bare hands. I always carry a recovery strap in the boot and offered to drag it free. I asked him why he had tried to get up there, and he said it was a moment of madness. I get the strap out and ask him to screw the towing eye into his front towing eye, and no idea if the van has one :rolleyes:.......he opens the car up, the interior light comes on, and in the passenger seat is his girlfriend with a 3 moths old baby :eek: (it is blizzard conditions up there as the wind speeds are high)

A couple of minutes later, and by chance a very large 4x4 tractor comes up the hill with 1/2 tractor tyre gadget on the linkage on the back of it for clearing the snow, cow muck etc, and says he has come up to check on his lambs in a field just off the Ham road 1/2 mile away .
We physically can't hook up to the transit with the towing eyes, but the tractor managed to clear enough snow from the road to get the transit away.

Taking a young baby up there is nuts, they could have been stuck up there all night :rolleyes:


Über Member
A couple of minutes later, and by chance a very large 4x4 tractor comes up the hill with 1/2 tractor tyre gadget on the linkage on the back of it for clearing the snow, cow muck etc..

That was lucky. In conditions like these farmers get added to the list of emergency services! :tongue:


Über Member
A small amount of snow here in Fife. And some hail just after I took the picture :sad:



I g
That was lucky. In conditions like these farmers get added to the list of emergency services! :tongue:

I got up to the junction of old bath rd and Leckhampton rd today before turning back for home after swapping for knobbly's

The sheets of ice in the ungritted roads are well iffy. I'd not want to ride them at all on the motorbike.
Serious fingertip and toe pain from the cold, and I was the only one on 2 wheels with a few peds commenting on how nutty I was riding for in these conditions. Need ice spikes in the tyres :biggrin:

Deleted member 1258

Snowing in Coventry as I type, when my lad got back from work this morning he commented on how icy it was, I had a rest weekend last weekend and was looking forward to getting out today, thats not going to happen now, I'll have to wait till next weekend and hope its better.
Kent Coast
Snowing pretty fast in North Kent as I type. Small "dandruff" type flakes but coming down heavily, and has been for about an hour. I live in a hilly location, and am not looking forward to venturing out today to see my Mum in hospital. I think we will go this morning (we usually visit during afternoons at the weekend) as the snow will only get worse as the day goes on.

Everybody take care out there......

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Biggest snowfall of the year so far here ths morning (which is not saying much as we've only had a dusting up to now). About half an inch so far. Looking forward to a ride around the largely car free Lodes Way - out on the fen this afternoon to see how my new studded tyres bear up on the fresh snow.
Little old Rutland is getting it again, I dug the car out yesterday, decided it was stupid to drive anywhere and now today it has been snowing for about 4 hours and it is getting increasingly heavy. We walked a couple of miles for some shopping and the sledges were out in force, if this wind keeps up there will be drifting later. No cycling possible though :sad:.
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