So who's got tattoos? Or piercings?

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xpc316e said:
Because they facilitate the wearing of jewellery and are not body 'adornment' in and of themselves.

I think you are confusing yourself here. Just because one type of piercing is deemed 'normal' does not make others wrong.
Three in my left ear, one in right and 1 in my left nostril but no tats


Legendary Member
punkypossum said:
No tatoos for me, too worried I would get fed up with them. Am fairly conservative on the piercing front as well, but have had my ears done (1 on left, 3 on right), bellybutton, tongue and one in a more private area... Next one planned is one of those microdermal ones on my wrist. Would love to have a cutting done as well, but so far can't decide on the design!

You call that conservative? Feck me.


New Member
I had my left ear lobe pierced 35 years ago.

One of my daughters has tongue and nose piercings along with tattoos on her wrists, arms and nape of the neck.

Ive told her that all she needs to do now is grow a beard and there will plenty of work for her at Billy Smarts.
Just earrings - If I remember rightly, one of these CC members, Jane Smart, when she was about 10 or so, made me feel like a real wimp because I was scared, so I had to go and have my ears pierced in a jewellers in Leek where I lived at the time. She came with me to make sure I did it. Still I have never regretted it but wouldn't have piercings anywhere else! I await your comments Jane!

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Can't say I'm a fan of piercings or tatoos, never appealed. I've never seen somebody with a Tatoo and thought "that looks nice" either.
I'm happy being dull and happy with how I look not to need adornment (and let's face it, to try to make an improvement would be a waste of time and money!).
Each to there own.


MacB said:
my right ear is pierced, did it at school with a compass & safety pin, sensibly though, heated them with a match first. Haven't worn an earing in years, no particular reason. No tats but do hanker after them sometimes. Jane has a couple of tats, ears pierced, had nose piercing before I knew her. Had belly button and nipple rings for a while as well.

:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: Can't believe I missed this revelation.... is the right ear not the gay one? :thumbsup:
gavintc said:
I think you are confusing yourself here. Just because one type of piercing is deemed 'normal' does not make others wrong.

Surely I am entitled to my own opinion? If I have become so accustomed to the sight of pierced ears that I regard them as 'normal' and other bits of metal strung through noses, labia, navels, lips, eyebrows, etc. as abnormal, that is a matter for me. From the look of it I am not the only boring old fart who thinks like this.
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