Stevenage CTC End of summertime Ride.

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Guess who overslept and woke up at 10.45. Sometimes I hate working nights and what it does to my sleep pattern. I'm feeling really pi**ed off right now, think I'll go out on my favourite route in a bit.


Tynan home, excercised and sweaty and pleased with himself

28.8 miles there on my special cross country route, some unexpected monster hills, seemingly mostly downhill although I apparently climbed 400m over the route

the ride was cool, I was a bit strained by control 4, the WI? one, waht a spread they laid on, must have been ten sorts of sandwiched and a dozen excellent cakes, I had a round of beef and horseradish, a slab of date and something cake, a cup of tea and a pint og orange squah came to £2.50 in contrast to £5 for an admittedly very good bacon roll and coffee at the start, after that I felt almost A1 again anf finished happily

the ever obliging Steve escorted me back to his house to give me batteries for my gps which had gone through four rechargeables for some odd reason, a cup of tea, some 'energy' for my water and directions for the sensible way home, the 'old A10' which avoided hills

hmm, I'm not sure I followed the right route but I moved in the right direction, guzzling energy drink and keeping the legs spinning as the miles ticked off pleasingly until I had the joy of the rather unpleasent Kings Head Hill that I craled up bravely with a bus creeping behind me, doubtless with a busfull of people tutting my speed

Thorughly good day out, 120 something miles on the day, some intersting people met and chatted to including two very senior riders that had got to control four at the same time as me, almost doddering but tricked out in full kit, I asked one how old he was, he admitted to being 'well over 8o

thanks once again to Steve, saw redflight, phillip and someone else offa this thread

right hot bath, dinner and two soothing bottles of Hobgoblin await

rather pleased with getting back in good nick, some slight soreness to the point of the buttocks but nethers absolutely brill which is a first for this distance, legs feel fine, no real soreness, I felt worse when i set off i think


Well-Known Member
the ride was cool, I was a bit strained by control 4, the WI? one, what a spread they laid on, must have been ten sorts of sandwiched and a dozen excellent cakes, I had a round of beef and horseradish, a slab of date and something cake,

That wasn't you who got in front of me and nabbed the last slice of date and something cake was it :evil:

The walnut cake I got instead was very nice though :tongue:


Europe Endless
Sounds like you all had a good day.
Better weather than last year, when I grovelled round with Chuffy, Baggy and Tdr1nka...
Today, I was doing a lazy loop around Preston and thence to Letchworth for a fry-up.
Sounds like you all had a good day.
Better weather than last year, when I grovelled round with Chuffy, Baggy and Tdr1nka...
Today, I was doing a lazy loop around Preston and thence to Letchworth for a fry-up.

Certainly did Doc. That really muddy stretch last year was clean and dry this time.
I said hello to several people from here and chatted to quite a few others on the way round.
The first half of the ride i was rolling along nicely(16.6av speed to SW) but on the way back to Stevenage the 138 miles from saturday slowed me down a bit. Still arrived at Costellos faster than last year.


Started young, and still going.
Myself and Philip got round in the fastest time out of the 3 times we have done this ride, no punctures this year. We joined onto the back of a group from the Central London CTC after the last checkpiont at Weston and got a tow back to Costellos. Another good day out. By the way Tynan, the other fella you met was me. :hello:


sorry Paulus, I couldn't quite remember

I only had one bottle of beer and then turned in rather tired for some reason

I swapped disastrous morning stories before the start and i think won, I allowed 30 minutes for prep after being out all day drinking and at football on Saturday

the gps mount was on back to front after LBS had fitted new shifters a month ago, that took sometime to spot in the early morning with hangover

when topping up the tyres, the front valve stem came out completely with predictable results, my special audax route sheet holder vanished without trace, and all my kit that I put into the washing machine on Sat morning, that I later saw in a laundry basket on my return had vanished

a quick and feverishly bad tempered search (I was really running out of time by now) found it back in the washing machine, someone yet to be discovered had simply removed it to do their wash and then dry and then put it back in, so I had the joy of setting off at 7am with a minor hangover and damp kit

frankly I'm surprised how well it went thereafter

the gps went through its batteries that should last 13 hours in about one, the spare lasted until control one and a bit, after that I was the route sheet held onto the stem with two of my daughter's hair bands, one brown one and one fat one with purple glitter, they've been pressed into service for a last minute attaching of the bloody numbered thing, how hard was that to fit and look right, i gave up after ten minutes and did not succeed at all


Senior Member
I was the last person to arrive I think, at 7 hrs 33 mins, still within regulation time though.
It was hard for me, I wasn't really prepared for it, etc etc. My Garmin tells me the total ascend was about 680m.
But I have already looked at the rides displayed til next year. Thanks must go to the chap who looked after the stragglers, without him I wouldn't have found my way back to Fairland Park!!


I think I spent longer waiting for Tynan than riding yesterday ;)

4hrs 8min was a surprise as I was only riding not racing


I will say Steve was too bloody quick for my taste on the day, barring anything uphill

He only waited for me at stops so make a snide remark and shoot off again looking pleased with himself


Well-Known Member
According to the web site there were 404 starters and 391 finishers including those doing the lite version. They have also put up a load of photos in the gallery.


Started young, and still going.
That is a good number of riders finishing the ride, last year because of the weather many abandoned on the way round. Out of 405 entries, 322 finished the ride in 2010.
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