Stuffing face now, 70 mile ride tomorrow. Food?

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Soon to be reaping rewards for romantic Strava Art (see earlier post) and by end of night will probably gave eaten two lots of camembert, steak etc and some sort of chocolate desert, washed down with two bottles of wine. So in the morning, would you just do the normal thing - porridge rtf and snacks on ride - or just use tonight's excess of calories to fuel the ride?


Legendary Member
I’d need to vomit after that lot


Leg End Member
Soon to be reaping rewards for romantic Strava Art (see earlier post) and by end of night will probably gave eaten two lots of camembert, steak etc and some sort of chocolate desert, washed down with two bottles of wine. So in the morning, would you just do the normal thing - porridge rtf and snacks on ride - or just use tonight's excess of calories to fuel the ride?
The same for breakfast, minus the wine.

Besides The world has ended for some.
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I don't think it quite works like that. I'm sure it was a link I read on here just yesterday, but apparently the body is quick to store extra calories as fat and very reluctant to let them go in case we get a harsh winter or something like that. You'll need to fuel the ride separately, and run at a slight deficit for a while to make up for the evening. :okay:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Normal brekky and take on board more as you go on. For me a coffee and cake half way would see me sorted.

Have a nice ride :-)
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Clearly you’re not training hard enough....
No, I mean two bottles wouldn't be enough...^_^


How far can I go?
I would eat normally the night before and have some snacks (flapjack, jelly babies, energy bars, peanut butter sandwich) with me for the ride, plus a lunch stop. I'm not a breakfast eater, so I wouldn't have anything to eat until 20-30 miles in.


Legendary Member
Think it’s a bit late for eating normally the night before unless a Valentines pig out is normal!


Legendary Member
@grellboy let us know how you get on. Food preparation seems poor and two bottles of wine will, at best, leave you badly dehydrated before starting. Drink water, lots of it!!
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