Tales from today's commute....

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Tin Pot

The Long Commute is back!

43.6km + 647m

This morning, glorious sunshine!


Went out for a lunch ride into the wind yesterday and got tailwind on my way back:


Rode home later with no desire to put effort in... and resting up today. Today's shenanigans brought to you by buses!
Entertainment on the way home was provided by the police chasing 2 teenagers on foot at Canning Town recreation ground, coppers were quick, one had to perform a rather good rugby tackle, the other teenager despite having a good 30 metre headstart ran out of puff and just gave up as the copper caught him.
Then I met this chap carrying his shopping home.


This morning had all the markings for an accident, oil, slippery roads thanks to the early downpour and the sun bouncing off the wet, someone went down at the Kingston gate roundabout at Richmond Park. Heard the tell-tale sound and looked around to see cyclist on the floor, turned the bike but there was already someone there to help the poor sod.
On way back had some bugger draft me all the way up Priory Lane then overtook me in the park. No wonder he looked so smug passing, I did all the work ;)
Numpty count:1 this guy close passed me on the Fulham Road and I raised my hand as in 'come on' rather than an eff you. I pulled up beside him and he accuse me of jumping the zebra, I hadn't, the ped had crossed, the driver was just slow moving off. He then said:'If you weren't wearing those bloody sunglasses you could see.' Hmm, with the sun low in sky, bouncing glare off the wet roads and me heading east, riiigght, not wearing sunglasses would help :rolleyes:


Growing old disgracefully
Chain split only yards from the house
Serves me right for trying to reuse an old connector pin, while new ones were on order, and not replacing it when they arrived
10 minutes late as a result


Velo, boulot, dodo



Wet ride in but no dramas except a Boris Bike deciding to turn across the South Carriage Drive cycle path just at its fastest point downhill which was a bit hairy because he dithered. Make your action and stick with it then I can work a route out :rolleyes:
Dry on the way back. Gave a lad a bit of encouragement as he worked his way up spankers hill with his dad. Some Allez fella overtook me on Villiers but couldn't keep the pace so easily re-overtook him - apparently this is normal for Allez riders so I've read?;)
Numpty count: 1 the above mentioned Boris rider but honourable mention to an achingly hip young lady, fixie, £200 sling bag, who treated red lights as a minor hindrance. How she wasn't hit in the 4 lights I saw her jump I don't know. Reason I know it was four sets of lights was that she was damned slow in between them :laugh:


Über Member
I normally have quite an uneventful 23 mile commute as 20 miles are on cycle tracks.

Last night I nearly had 2 off's both created by other cyclists.

The 1st one was a decent size group out on a ride coming towards me and the last ones not watching nearly wiped me out, had a full lock up and swerve. Not even an apology.

2nd one guy coming towards me just couldn't make his mind up what side of the track to be on so he thought he would use the lot, again another lock up avoiding him.


Considering a new username
Swirling dank mist on the North Downs for my commute home yesterday.
An autumnal August; time to charge my lights.


Uneventful ride in although I was amused when someone overtook me early on Priory then basically blew up leading to myself and four others overtaking him with ease.
Again uneventful return route although decided to bash through to Richmond rather than take the park which was actually fun.
Numpty count: 0
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