Tales from today's commute....

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Senior Member
Saw some of my old school bullies i was turning around to get a cup of tea as i missed my turn by accident they thought i was following them when i wasn't. Then they decided to ride on a pavement and decide to just randomly go hide behind parked car on the road with their bikes and one of them comes out on purpose whilst i was approaching (which i knew was their attempt of knocking me off as they pulled out fast but somehow escaped this as i somehow braked in time but if bus or another veichle behind they would of caused an accident as this was by not a busy road at the time because no one would expect a cyclist to randomly stop in the middle of road and if they had to slam onto their breaks It could of been worse. )

They knew it was wrong as in the mini centre i decide to confront them about it for the sake of other road users as well and they just started being rude about my helmet and gloves and threatening to steal/damage/buy my bike. Other then that other road users were fine just those stupid teens. Would you suggest to report them to police?

ps does anyone else live in Berkshire area (I know it's big area but don't want to give exact location out on here) So please PM me if you do.

i agree with others it is attemped assualt. Some people are just stupid.
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Thorn Sherpa

Über Member
Nice warm ride in tonight getting to the good weather now :okay:

Thorn Sherpa

Über Member
The weather was good today however it was not nice enough to make the following incident a welcome addition to my commute.

I'd reached a point whereby traffic is built up going up a hill. The traffic is bumper to bumper and either stationary or slow moving (5mph or less) but the traffic on the other side of the road is fast moving going in the opposite direction out of the city on a relatively clear carriageway. Therefore I was not overtaking the slow moving traffic on the right hand side of the vehicles because this would put my in harms way of the fast moving traffic going in the opposite direction. Instead I was moving slowly and steadily up the inside of the stationary/ slow moving traffic.

With respect to most cars this was not a problem until I got to a Fiat Panda which was feeling the need to travel only a few inches from the curb and so I had to come to a stop behind them to the side. I could tell that they'd seen me because they looked at me in their mirrors and their next action was to give a long blast of their windscreen washers. Fortunately they didn't get me too much but I did take a bit of spray from them because it was quite a powerful jet of water. Now I know that the weather is a bit better this week but it's not sufficiently warm enough for friendly drivers to consider offering a service to cool cyclists down by considerately spraying them with their washer jets.
Like @Arjimlad says that's attempted assault because I know I wouldn't want any windscreen wash in my eyes or face


Über Member
Hi Arjimlad, Randombiker9 and Thorn Sherpa,

Thanks for the message and I was wearing glasses so fortunately none of it went in my eyes and so no harm down on this occasion. I suppose that being a bit mentally broken down by what can sometimes feel like the daily struggle against all sorts of dangerous & aggressive driving from various vehicles and drivers that could easily result in serious injury or death this incident in comparison felt annoying & frustrating but lower down my brains pecking order in terms of seriousness compared to other things that can happen on a regular basis.

However now that you've mentioned it it's made me think about it a bit more and perhaps it is a bit more insidious because whilst they're prepared to do this to a cyclist in stationary traffic what would they do when they have the freedom of a clear road because they clearly had a disregard for cyclists.

Anyway fortunately no harm down on this occasion and although I don't ride with a camera and so can't go back to review the footage to get their registration plate I'll keep my out for them.

Still the ride home was nice and passed without any driving related incidents but when I got out into the sticks I passed about half a dozen deer close to the road. I'm quite used to seeing the small Muntjac deer but these were massive by comparison and so I don't know if they were perhaps either Red, Roe or Fallow deer and I'm not enough of an expert to be able to tell.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
First morning commute of the year in shorts. Getting dressed felt rather odd with a shortened mental checklist of clothing.
Could have done without the wind from the south hitting me head on on the most exposed parts of the ride. Had enough of the south westerly hitting me head on for the majority of the homeward miles yesterday afternoon.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-jB9MytX0g

You may wish to skip to 1:55.

I experienced a disheartening deliberate close pass on this evening's commute, note all the cars that safely overtake prior on this narrow and busy road, yet the driver of this massive 4X4 finds the time to encroach and attempt to intimidate me for considerable time at the apex of the hill (bear in mind the knobber is off screen, gesturing at me through his windows for about 5 seconds before coming into view).

I'm sending this footage to WYP.

Good news regarding this incident, the police issued a notice of intended prosecution to the driver. I'm unsure about what happens next as I didn't speak with the officer pursuing the matter directly and 101 were hesitant to provide more information. I assume they were happy my footage was sufficient to prosecute the driver with an offense of some sort. I would be happy if they just send the plonker driving at the time a wrist slap and promise of points the next time something like this happens, the driver would get the message. But really fingers and toes crossed he get 3 points and an insurance hike for the next few years and he might think twice about pulling off such a stunt again. I'm glad to see WYP taking close passes seriously and wholeheartedly encourage others to submit their cam footage if they live in West Yorkshire, especially if they feel they have been intimidated deliberately or are on the receiving end of road rage with footage. WYP have handled this very well so far.
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Well, I forsook the bike/train/bike commute this morning. The weather was so nice that I decided to cycle all the way. 36 miles door to door.
I left home at 6am with the sun rising. So no need for the lights which I put on my bike last night.

It's not a bad route at all. Not much traffic as I go cross country following the Pilgrims Way. I only hit traffic once I get to the A21 at Orpington
Star Hill, a local climbing favourite at mile 19 is a good leg tester first thing in the morning, but it's mostly downhill the rest of the way from there :-)

This evening I'm back to bike/train/bike. I'm looking at doing the long ride in at least once a week in the nice weather and when my partner is working lates, may look at riding both in to work and back home again.



My front ring has been clicking at higher cadences the last few days so had a quick push down the cranks this morning; there's play in the BB. I've got a sportive next weekend so will need to get that seen to quicksharp. Otherwise an uneventful ride in and out yesterday and today.
Well, I forsook the bike/train/bike commute this morning. The weather was so nice that I decided to cycle all the way. 36 miles door to door.
I left home at 6am with the sun rising. So no need for the lights which I put on my bike last night.

It's not a bad route at all. Not much traffic as I go cross country following the Pilgrims Way. I only hit traffic once I get to the A21 at Orpington
Star Hill, a local climbing favourite at mile 19 is a good leg tester first thing in the morning, but it's mostly downhill the rest of the way from there :-)

This evening I'm back to bike/train/bike. I'm looking at doing the long ride in at least once a week in the nice weather and when my partner is working lates, may look at riding both in to work and back home again.

View attachment 404697
Good effort, que bemused colleagues who will claim they could never get off their backsides and travel THAT FAR on a bike.


Well i have been of the bike over a week due to a lovely bout of man flu. why is it that as soon as i get on the bike and the weather improves i always find a headwind awaiting me! honestly it's either that or my legs just don't work ;-)


Well, I forsook the bike/train/bike commute this morning. The weather was so nice that I decided to cycle all the way. 36 miles door to door.
I left home at 6am with the sun rising. So no need for the lights which I put on my bike last night.

It's not a bad route at all. Not much traffic as I go cross country following the Pilgrims Way. I only hit traffic once I get to the A21 at Orpington
Star Hill, a local climbing favourite at mile 19 is a good leg tester first thing in the morning, but it's mostly downhill the rest of the way from there :-)

This evening I'm back to bike/train/bike. I'm looking at doing the long ride in at least once a week in the nice weather and when my partner is working lates, may look at riding both in to work and back home again.

View attachment 404697

Nice one Ian, solid ride!


Slightly moist ride in this morning, made good progress despite this though as I had a tow from a truck for a couple of miles.


Senior Member
Well, I forsook the bike/train/bike commute this morning. The weather was so nice that I decided to cycle all the way. 36 miles door to door.
I left home at 6am with the sun rising. So no need for the lights which I put on my bike last night.

It's not a bad route at all. Not much traffic as I go cross country following the Pilgrims Way. I only hit traffic once I get to the A21 at Orpington
Star Hill, a local climbing favourite at mile 19 is a good leg tester first thing in the morning, but it's mostly downhill the rest of the way from there :-)

This evening I'm back to bike/train/bike. I'm looking at doing the long ride in at least once a week in the nice weather and when my partner is working lates, may look at riding both in to work and back home again.

View attachment 404697

Love a bit of Star Hill.


Had 340 miles (+a days work) to do yesterday, so drove instead. :-(

on the upside I had a few hours off in lieu this morning so got in a nice 40km loop.
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