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Bobby Mhor

Wasn't born to follow
Behind You
Keeping a wary eye out on the new "locals"?
Seriously amazing what you can do with one of these...

Bobby Mhor

Wasn't born to follow
Behind You
Most folk just stick with CCTV, not you though...

Money well spent?
Aye, of course..
I did blog posts on them over 10 years ago...
What is that?
Originally used for watching TV to your computer but someone 'found' they could rewrite the software and use them for monitoring the radio spectrum..
I have various dongles but use this for general use HERE
to give you an idea of how they have kinda revolutionised radio listening, the plane websites where you can see where planes are presently flying over you or in the sky?
the dongle along with other software is the main supplier of the live info uploaded by many folk...
(I have spent more than a few quid on them)
Radio is my main hobby..
cycling and winding everyone up is secondary:laugh:
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Leg End Member
Now why would you need to know that Mr Classic?
Useful for when the "Air Support" is in the area.


Legendary Member
I'll have to sit down and read the lot, links an'all. If I should disappear, then "they've" caught me, or much more likely, I'm busy tinkering with some new toys.

Either way, I'll hold you responsible!!
He's even got me interested.........I enjoy stuff like that too. I was miffed when the rossers went digital and you couldn't earywig any more. :laugh:

Hmmmm, on reading even a small amount of the blog, maybe not! Sounds way too complicated. Lol.
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