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I had some correspondence regarding a German cruise ship flying the flag in your avatar on a visit to my local area. It was a slow day so I wrote to the shipping company asking why they were flying the flag of a Canadian province in a UK port. They replied to say their Officer of the Flags had seen Scotia on the label of the flag doocot and assumed it was the Scottish flag:rolleyes:. On a previous visit the same ship had been flying an inverted Union flag, I'm not sure which was the greater sin^_^.
My avatar is an Isolated Danger buoy marking the wreck of HMS Natal, a British armoured cruiser which sank following a mysterious explosion around 100 years ago. My home is in the background, I think:smile:

Just out of curiosity when the Union Flag us being flown in a shop us it called a Union Jack?



Legendary Member
Just out of curiosity when the Union Flag us being flown in a shop us it called a Union Jack?
Some would say it is only to be referred to as the Union Jack when flown at the bows of an HM ship, but others would disagree:smile:.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I like this old one of mine. I was having a walk at Wimpole. I had a fish eye lens on my iPhone. This young lady came to say hello.



Legendary Member
Col Sherman T Potter MASH 4077th.

A totally awesome tv prog.

Col. Potter's leadership qualities were easily matched by his superiority as a surgeon. He led mainly by example, always doing his best and encouraging others to do the same. He was at times willing to ignore the letter of regulations in order to abide by their spirit. Easy going by nature, Potter understood the hellish realities of life in a MASH unit, and the need for jokes, pranks and recreation to boost morale. When he found out about Hawkeye and B.J..'s gin distillery, he offered advice on how to improve its yield, explaining that he had such a still while stationed on Guam during World War II; he even stated that he had received a Purple Heart as a result of that still exploding in his face.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks like me on a good day
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