The booze-quittin' buddy thread!

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Formerly just_fixed
I started 10 days ago, enforced by the lurgy.


Legendary Member
I may now be dry until the a throat infection and 7 days of penicillin :cry:...I might however risk a glass of champagne tomorrow at midnight! I've not had a drink since Boxing Day!

Steve H

Large Member
I've not drunk in January for about 15 years now. December is normally a heavy month with lots of work/family/friend gatherings and therefore I've enjoyed just cutting it out for a while.

Mrs H suggested to me a couple of days ago that we try and do 6 months this year. To be honest, this was a scary thought to begin with. Not so much a physical dependency, but more a real sense of apprehension for a few social events in the next few months - a ski trip with the lads, a stag do, a wedding, plus the occasional night out with the missus. I just really enjoy letting my hair down on these occasions. However it is then all too easy to get into the habit of sharing a bottle of wine a few evenings a week.

So, we have agreed that we will
  • Give up for January as usual
  • At the end of Jan consider carrying on for longer
What I definitely want to do is remove all alcohol from the house.


As I bimble around the forum I note that there are several of us quitting the demon drink in the new year. So I thought it might be productive and encouraging for us to share experiences.

I'm quittin' because I've had a series of rotten colds since September that have really put a dent in my fitness, and therefore in the new year I want to get back to my ideal weight and fitness, and beer, wine and spirits will not help me achieve this.

Also the wine I like to drink is probably slightly beyond my means, so my pocket will also benefit from not buying booze.

What's your motivation?

I hate to give up alcohol and used to be able to consume a fair old share but not these days....I find quality and not quantity does the trick for me these days...good luck with your detox like


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I gave up drinking for a whole summer once and, even after 3 months I didn't feel any better. I was hoping that my hypertension might reduce but no, not at all. So I started again.... Weight's never been a real problem for me anyway.

In the end, I suppose, I enjoy drinking so much that I want to still be able to drink in advanced old age. This means that I have to pace myself. Anyone who's ever cycled with me will know that I don't like to knock myself out but I do like to immerse myself - it's a bit like that with the booze as well.

So, I won't be quitting, just keeping it steady. I wish you all every success though. I'll drink to everybody's good health!

david k

North West
good posts guys, really enjoyed reading them

i've done a 10 mile hike today, really enjoyed it, i love walking just as much as cycling. i'm having a few beers tonight (still Dec) and enjoying them, i dont feel bloated, body seems to be soaking it up! i wont (from experience) get a hangover. So i'm thinking of saying i can only drink if i've walked 10 miles or cycling 50 miles, this may motivate me to train harder as i like drinking!


Well-Known Member
One last session tonight and that's me finished (for a while anyway!). I work shifts, 4 in 4 off, so it's tricky getting a proper routine going but I'm planning on losing a shed load of weight and getting fit again. In theory it sounds great. If I get my mind in gear I'm going to do it.
P.s. *note to myself*


Active Member
It the last night for me tonight. I'm a weekend drinker. Got a little bit of weight to lose. But looking forward to waking up on a Sunday morning with out a dell head before a ride.
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