The Cycle Chat room 101- Put Yer Demons In Here

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Noodley said:
I had considered replying with my list, but it can wait til everyone else is in bed and I have more time.

Procrastinators annoy me! :ohmy:


Velo, boulot, dodo
Girls who drink half-pints

PJ o'Rourke

Tidy desks

People who do obvious covers at open mic nights. Esp. No Woman, No Cry.

Or the Eagles.

Or Oasis.

Etc. Write your own stuff/ find something interesting to cover.

Major chords with doubled fifths (on a guitar). They sound shoot.


New Member
East London
Getting annoyed at things that aren't really worth getting annoyed about and thus missing all the really big things that are totally crap.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
red_tom said:
Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time?


If this is about punctuation again, you're in a comma:smile:


Über Member
- Stupid, twatty chavs on the back of buses playing crap music.
- Chavs who swear in front of little kids.
- Stupid people who think they are 'hardcore' 'cause they beat up a little kid for no reason.
- General Idiots.
- People on the bus who stare at you.

And for the women on here, men who can't seem to talk to your face.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
The colour pink

Cheese (yes even Wensleydale)


People who nearly stop to go round corners /bends /roundabouts

People who drive ridiculously slowly

Drivers who do not dip their full beam for you in the middle of a country road at night so you nearly crash again into the hedge

Soft rock

Operatic rock

Meatloaf (the singer)

Lazy people

People who get really wound up about grammar and punctuation and forget about the content

Cold callers

Telephone sales

Pointless government targets

Shopping at IKEA


Windows 2007 until I get used to it

TV programmes about buying & makeovers for houses / child super nanny / getting thin / clothes makeover etc

Me being annoyed at trivia when there really are more important things

just jim

I'd have to agree about people who allow their dogs to defecate everywhere. Last year the council upgraded a pedestrian link at the entrance of a lane to my girl's school.New turf laid, trees planted. It was instantly allowed to be shat upon by a dog.

It still continues.

Oh and lets not forget the ones that park across the school crossing. Much more convenient for the pie shop than actually finding a legal parking spot.

Let's see....Oh yes, them what tip the contents of their car ashtrays beside the kerb. Thanks for sharing!
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