The Football.....

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At least it is dry and you can go out for a cycle:whistle:
15 soggy miles this morning.
Mainly on the canal path.
In the canal couldn't have been wetter

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Indeed. There is no point in having them at all. Internationals I mean. Total waste of time.
An outmoded concept from the days when playing styles between other continents and other countries were vastly different and the matches were something of an adventure. Now they are just a boring interruption to the real thing.

I often wonder if the majority of spectators at England games ever go to watch their local clubs play? I suspect many are there for the day out and Wembley is a safe, sterile bet. The modern stadium has less atmosphere during internationals that the old ground where you were miles from the pitch.
Only the amateur game to report on today; due to just about everyone being on holiday we only had 3 players available so had to bring in 7 of the under 17's team and a couple of "oldies" to make up the numbers. We got thumped.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I forgot to mention last night about the luck i had at yesterday's match. There i was outside the ground about to buy a ticket for the game when a woman approached me and asked if was an OAP. :eek: She said her friend couldn't make it so she was giving away his £15 concession ticket,but seeing as i wasn't an OAP it was no use giving it to me,she said. "Er don't worry about that,they don't check" i told her. So i got in for free,then to add to my luck the ball came flying into the new stand at some force,heading straight at me! I didn't see it till the last split second! :eek: It kind of swerved a bit in the wind and missed me by about a foot,crashing into the wall behind me. If someone had been sitting next to me they'd have had a bloodied nose at least!:B) It must've been my lucky day!:biggrin:
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