The Metric Century (100KM) A Month Challenge ChatZone

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Steve - think to give an insight to this (what unknown are you/we seeking to answer) you'd best use your data to just plot a graph x axis 1-11, y axis total completed in one year (ie exclude 12/aka completion). This would show how many months, on average, riders who went on not to meet the annual challenge did achieve. (Exclude 12 to keep the y axis readable).
Happy to attach the spreadsheet below if you, or indeed anyone else wants to play around with the raw data! Of course it relies on you having access to Excel, but I could also save it in another format probably if needed - just let me know.

Note that with these numbers, where you see a figure that's less than 12, it is not a guarantee that this person started in January, although probably 80-90% did. There are plenty of cases where someone started later in the year with the intention of going right through that year and continuing on to complete next year's challenge to give them, say a 20-month streak. And on more than one occasion someone missed a month or two in the middle of the year due to injury but returned to post entries in the thread for the remainder (with me being one of those - in 2017 I'm listed as doing 10 months on the sheet, but the ones I missed were May and June, not November and December).


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Über Member
I've been a bit lax with posting recently, so just added three 100k rides to my list. Busy weekend of cycling, with the Mendip Flop audax (with a detour near the end to add a little extra climbing & distance), so 67 miles & 1509m of ascent, topped off with a solo spin out in the Forest of Dean yesterday. Only 44 miles yesterday, so no 100k to add to the list, but added another 1339m of climbing. Happy that the legs handled the climbing without complaint, so promising for the summer if I can maintain base fitness & add a little more speed.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
march done for me too 62,8 miles to greater haywood.



Kilometre nibbler
March done. I actually had a carefully planned imperial century lined up for today, to try to inch my Eddington nearer to the magical 100. However. I'd forgotten about the train strike. My wife reminded me at 6am when I was getting ready, so all plans fell apart (train home was a key ingredient, and lack of bailout options in case my legs fell of was a worry). So I just went out and rode a completely unplanned 100k. Throwing in a loop here, and a diversion there, and a visit to Ide Hill Cafe for hot choc and and a sausage roll, to make the distance up to 100k. I'm kind of glad I didn't do 100 miler because I was very slow and found it hard work.

It rained quite a lot. The top of the North Downs was in cloud that was absolutely soaking. I got very wet. I have a bit of a habit of getting home drenched then watching Milan San Remo.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Struggling to get another one in ATM this month as mum went to hospital last weekend after a fall so priorities....


Kilometre nibbler
Got April in Early. The weather forecast for today was poor early in the week, but got gradually better. I think all the rain fell overnight because there were a lot of flooded roads. Most passable but one caused me to double back and detour. I went on a pilgrimage to Gregg's in Staplehurst.

Flood on Beddlestead Lane

13 rider

April's ride in the bag 63.1 miles all done in the sunshine and fingerless gloves made an appearance. Out up the Wreake valley dropped into the Vale of Belvoir into the badlands of Nottinghamshire to Harby for a cafe stop then back via Cotgrave ,Plumtree into the safety of Leicesteshire and home . A ride dotted with 5 sets of temporary lights as all utilities seem to be using school Easter holidays to dig everything up


Über Member
April done - went off Wandrer heatmap filling, with a very meandering ride through Gloucester, Cheltenham, most of the way up Cleeve Hill to drop back to Woodmancote, Bishops Cleeve, Stoke Orchard & back towards Gloucester. Slow average, but dead end roads & cul-de-sacs have that effect. Only a little over the 100k & just 671m of ascent, but I'm sure I'll knock some more 100k's in this month. Wandrer mapping took me to 98% of all Gloucester roads (almost 380 miles in total) & just short of 85% of Cheltenham.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Rode the Isle of Purbeck Saturday. Eventful(ish). Great weather.
First off I took a regular narrow road across to the main Weymouth/Dorchester road but there must have been a blockage somewhere because cars were attempting to go both ways on this road with minimal passing places (field entrances). I passed maybe 15 going my way and came to the complete and utter jam. Had to lift my bike over my head to squeeze through and then rode the remaining mile telling drivers what number car they were. They were all just 'following their GPS': the devil's work. By the time I got to the road I'd passed 88 vehicles.
Normally go past the Wych Farm oil wells (south side of Poole Harbour) but their private road was 'Road Closed' and a nice security chap enforcing it. Because of the 27 March oil spill (reservoir fluid - made up of 85% water and 15% oil; estimated 200 barrels of oil which leaked when a pipeline fractured) the chap said. Harbour authorities were content to say that swimming was fine on 4 April (in time for Easter, no pressure(!)). Not clear why extra security on land: gawpers perhaps, but nothing to see. A bit of rough stuff (bridleway) allowed us to cut across to the next road and onward.
Other new road (for me on a bike) was Tyneham village in the Lulworth tank training/firing area: a hamlet perforce abandoned when the area was requisitioned for WW2 and never handed back (some angst). Packed with Easter Saturday grockles.
Back in time to watch the climax of the Paris-Roubaix Femmes.
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