The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Morning folks. I have been awake most of the night. :hello: . I now have a headache. :B)

Not good. Did you try Bimuno? It really has worked for me. Takes about 7-10 days to give results.


Legendary Member
Well hello everyone. Another beautiful day here after a very slight frost.**

** This is about 10 consequitive days. Starting to worry about my plums despite fleecing them every night.

More allotment today. New raised bed to build, wigwams for beans, supports for peas and tomatoes.

We're also remodeling the garden and today I'm on lifting and levelling flags, straightening edging stones and adding garden compost to beds!!!


Best get going then .........


Legendary Member
Behind bars
Did the earth move for you this morning?

Ha ha, unfortunately it didn't.

Off to Elland Road today to see if Leeds can beat Wednesday and keep their automatic promotion spot. My mate has a theory that Wednesday won't want Sheffield United to get promoted and will roll over to let us win. It's an attractive theory and whilst the Wednesday fans may feel that way I doubt their players will. They're professionals and will want to win. However, they're also not very good so it should be three points for Leeds.

Due to Sky Tv messing around with the schedule after we'd bought our train tickets we will be in Leeds city centre six hours before KO. Can't think what we're going to do to fill that time. :cheers:


Legendary Member
Have you tried thermal Y fronts? ;)
I see Welshie "liked" that. I am shocked as I thought she was a nice, quiet, shy country girl who didn't know phrases such as that :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Another beautiful morning.
Gardening jobs didnt get done yesterday so must must must be done today.
Our S.i.L sings in a group and is on in Town today at a 'sold out' gig (my hip word of the day) so we are going along to that. The whole thing starts at 1630 and there are 10 acts in total. We are not into LOUD music but there are several rooms plus a beer garden.
And the sell decent lager!!!


Legendary Member
Out and about in our campervan. Lots of places in the UK that my South African wife has never seen, so we thought we’d go exploring. Ambled down through Gloucestershire, over the old Severn bridge into Wales. Chepstow and Usk, where we found a lovely place for the night by the river. Chatted to a young Australian fellow who was cycling across Europe to see his mate in Belfast.
Next morning a very leisurely drive through the Brecon Beacons (still some snow on top), a very long coffee stop and an explore in Abergavenny. Amazingly, Emily Chappell rode past, but I was too slow to shout hello.
Now outside Brecon, thinking of breakfast then a potter up to Hay on Wye then home.
Enjoying the slow life!
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