The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
After a day of doing sweet bugger all I've decided to go on the club ride tomorrow which by the time I've ridden to the meet point and home will be about 70 miles. I'd prefer to go with the group I used to ride with who are doing 93 out to Settle but with 6500 feet of climbs it's probably beyond me at present. I need to get out on the bike but have to say the club route isn't inspiring.

I received a bollocking on the Friday ride off the guy who is leading tomorrow for going to fast on the front - apparently 20mph isn't OK any more. :sigh:


Legendary Member
A warm welcome to all our readers! Looks a bit grey out there but the thermometer says 15C. I'm not convinced. Armwarmers and take my rain jacket as backup.

A poor night's sleep. Got grit in my eye on Friday's ride and thought I'd finally managed to was it out yesterday but no. Very odd, when I'm up and about it's fine, when I lay down the irritates like hell.


Legendary Member
After a day of doing sweet bugger all I've decided to go on the club ride tomorrow which by the time I've ridden to the meet point and home will be about 70 miles. I'd prefer to go with the group I used to ride with who are doing 93 out to Settle but with 6500 feet of climbs it's probably beyond me at present. I need to get out on the bike but have to say the club route isn't inspiring.

I received a bollocking on the Friday ride off the guy who is leading tomorrow for going to fast on the front - apparently 20mph isn't OK any more. :sigh:
20kph ?? Blimey, even I average that :rolleyes:
Oh said MPH


Legendary Member
Whos nicked the sunshine? Come on, own up, where is it?
Oh yes, I'm back home in Warrrington:sad:
Ah well, not to worry (much).
Will get a ride in later. Going with a mate who has been suffering with a bad back and knees so hasnt ridden much lately. We are going to try for a 20 but be prepared to turn back. One of those things, maybe I should have gone on my own but I feel for him as he is a regular cycle partner.
But first........We have unpacking and clothes washing to finish. We both fell asleep in our chairs and were in bed before 20.30 so it didnt get done last night.
Enjoy your Sunday folk.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Whos nicked the sunshine? Come on, own up, where is it?
Oh yes, I'm back home in Warrrington:sad:
Ah well, not to worry (much).
Will get a ride in later. Going with a mate who has been suffering with a bad back and knees so hasnt ridden much lately. We are going to try for a 20 but be prepared to turn back. One of those things, maybe I should have gone on my own but I feel for him as he is a regular cycle partner.
But first........We have unpacking and clothes washing to finish. We both fell asleep in our chairs and were in bed before 20.30 so it didnt get done last night.
Enjoy your Sunday folk.

I hope you haven't lost your passport already.:whistle:


If 6 Was 9
Woke up properly now.:okay:
Doggie walking on the beach this morning.

Then having a stroll down to the White Lion for Sunday lunch.:hungry:
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