The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The heavens have opened up now. Torrential in fact


Legendary Member
The sun is out now and it is lovely again. Couldn't get my hair cut this morning as the barber is on holiday for a week so took the dog to the pet shop where they have an indoor park for dogs. My wife wants me to go to another barber in town now but I don't know how much they charge there. My usual one is £6.50 for OAP's. May have to bite the bullet and pay more this time to keep her happy.

I have to confess I treat myself when I go to the barbers. I have very little hair and currently a beard. I go to a genuine Turkish barber, 25 minutes in the chair for hair, beard, eyebrows, ears and nose. It feels wonderful and a real treat. £10-12 depending on how bushy my beard has got. Today it was £10.

I know places at £5 but they really are not as good.


Legendary Member
It simple. She's not a fan of fish.
Ahhh. I DID have fish. WD doesnt like fish. Therefor we are not compatible.
WD likes thunder & lightning as do I.
Mr WD doesnt cycle, nor does Mrs D.
WD wears big pink bloomers with frilly bits and they turn me on.
Personally I think we could have a future.


Legendary Member
Well hello people. It's raining. Today should be a walking day but we have a 55-65% chance of rain 12.00 - 2.00. The point of today's walk on Nicky Nook is to see the fabulous views over Lancashire. We would be on the summit around 1.00!!!! Everyone has bailed out for today, regroup for next Wednesday.

Today is going to be housework. Breakfast next, then ironing and hopefully Mrs P will be awake and I can start the noisy stuff.

Is that the Nicky Nook somewhere off the M6 around Carnforth which has a big fishing lake ?
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